Conditions for the cancellation of driving licenses:

Where a motor vehicle driver dies; where a motor vehicle driver is deemed to be physically unfit for driving a motor vehicle; where a motor vehicle driver files an application for cancellation; where a motor vehicle driver has lost his or her capacity for civil conduct and his or her guardian files an application for cancellation; where the driving license of a motor vehicle driver has not been renewed due to the license being expired for more than one year from the expiration date; where a motor vehicle driver is over the age of 60 or where he or she holds a driving license for the permitted types of large buses, tractors, city buses, medium-sized buses, large freight vehicles, trolley buses and tramcars, and he or she fails to submit a health certificate within one year after the end of a scoring period; where the motor vehicle driver is over 60 and only holds a drivering license for the permitted types of trolley buses or tramcars, or where he or she is over 70, and holds a drivering license for low speed freight cargo vehicles, three-wheeled vehicles and wheeled self-propelled machinery vehicles; and where the drivering license is revoked in the light of the law or the driving permit is canceled in accordance with the law.

1. The Application Form for Driving Licenses filled in accordance with the provisions

2. The proof of identity of the applicant (1 original); where an agent acts on behalf of the principal due to the death of the driver, the agent is required to submit both the originals and the photocopies of the proof of identity of the agent and the driver's death certificate; where the application is filed by the guardian due to the driver's loss of capability of civil conduct, the original and the photocopy of the guardian's proof of identity shall be submitted;

3. The Original of the Driving License;

4. Where the application is for driving license cancellation, a photo of the applicant shall also be submitted. The photo requirements are as follows: the applicant's ID photo shall be straight-edged, bareheaded, front-facing, half-length, full-color and against a white background, and shall be taken within 6 months before applying for a driving license. The applicant shall not wear uniforms when taking the photo; the portrait shall be clear and stereoscopic, have a natural appearance and be without obvious distortion. The dimensions of the photo shall be 32mm×22mm. The head width shall range from 14mm to 16mm, and the head length, from 19mm to 22mm.


Acceptance of applications and the review of application materials; collecting application materials and recording them in the system once they are verified as meeting relevant requirements; making the letter of decision on cancellation.  

Time Limit

Within One Working Day


1. The applications of Foreign personnel (foreigners, residents of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese) shall be handled in the department for foreign affairs of the Vehicle Management Office of the Beijing Municipal Traffic Management Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the "Vehicle Management Office");

2. The applications of other personnel can be handled in the Vehicle Management Office or its branches.


Free of Charge

The proof of identity refers to:

1. For the residents of this municipality, their proof of identity refers to the Resident Identity Card; for permanent residents of other provinces and cities who temporarily reside in this municipality, their proof of identity shall be the Resident Identity Card and the proof of residence approved and issued by the public security organ.

2. The proof of identity for military personnel in active service (including the armed policemen) is the Resident Identity Card or the Army Identity Card, the Civilian Cadres Card, the Soldier Card, the Certificate of Emeritus, the Retirement Certificate and other valid certificate for soldiers, and the domicile certificate issued by the unit above the regimental level they are serving in; 

3. The proof of identity of foreign personnel (foreigners, residents of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese) shall be an entry identification certificate and residence permit.

4. The proof of identity for the personnel of foreign embassies and consulates, and the personnel of representative offices of international organizations in China refers to the valid identity documents issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

(Note: Content source is from Beijing Traffic Management Bureau)