Services concerning the applications for business licenses (including official seals for free), tax-relevant affairs, registration of employees, and opening of bank accounts are provided to foreign-invested enterprises.

Select the type of your enterprise

Select a service to complete the application

Sign online and confirm

Submit online

Check the result of the application and collect your enter-prise's business license, invoices, and official seals

Guide to Registering a Foreign-Invested Company

After accessing the main menu for services, you shall apply for a business license first; you may also choose to simultaneously apply for the engraving of the official seals, collect invoices, make contributions of "five insurances and one fund" (endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund) for employees, open bank accounts, etc.

Apply for a Business License Required
It is required to fill in the basic information related to the establishment of the enterprise, information about investors, business scope, key personnel of the enterprise, and information about beneficial owners for the record purposes, as well as upload the required supporting documents.
Official Seal Engraving Optional
You may choose whether to engrave the set of official seals at the time of setting up your enterprise, depending on the actual needs of your enterprise. The People's Government of Beijing Municipality currently provides seal-engraving services for free.
Tax-relevant Affairs Optional
Depending on the actual needs of your enterprise, you may choose whether to handle the tax-relevant affairs at the time of setting up your enterprise, including tax registration and invoice collection. After submitting the application, relevant departments will conduct parallel approval. Later, you can log into your account to find the record of your enterprise on "My Service List", check the progress and results of examinations by clicking "More" - "Progress", and download the receipts of examinations for tax-relevant affairs.
For employees contributions of "Five Social Insurances and One Fund" Optional
You may choose whether to handle contributions of the "five social insurances and one fund" for your employees at the time of setting up your enterprise, depending on the actual needs of your enterprise. If you have already hired someone, you can pre-register their contributions.
Bank Account Opening Service Optional
You can choose whether to use the bank account opening service at the time of setting up your enterprise, depending on the actual needs of your enterprise. After adding the information of a contact person, you can choose a bank nearby for this service. The bank involved will reach the contact person to confirm the appointment time and inform him/her of the required materials for account opening."
  • FAQs for Registration of Foreign-Invested Company
  • Guide to Registering a Foreign-Invested Company
  • How can identities be confirmed for the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises?
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