Embrace 'New' and Thrive with 'Quality': Leveraging New Quality Productive Forces to Develop New Drivers for High-Quality Development of Beijing

CRI Online

The "Discovery of Diversified Beijing, Decoding New Quality Productive Forces" Online Thematic Promotion Event was held in Beijing recently. Journalists from China and other countries attended the event to witness firsthand the key achievements Beijing has made in accelerating the formation of the core sectors dedicated to the new quality productive forces.

Improving Quality Through Innovation: Empowering Economic Development with Information Technology


At Zhongguancun Internet 3.0 Industrial Park, Pavleta Davidova, a journalist from the Bulgarian newspaper 24 Chasa, enjoys herself in the consumption-themed metaverse space.

As Beijing's first Internet 3.0 industrial park, Zhongguancun Internet 3.0 Industrial Park aims to build a leading hub for the industrial ecosystem. During the event, the participating journalists enjoyed themselves at the park. They chatted with virtual figures Nezha and Su Xiaomei in English and explored the consumption-themed metaverse space. Together they had a deep insight into the joys brought by digital intelligence.

The Industrial Internet Testing and Experience Center presented the application scenarios showcasing how the industrial Internet is used to drive the digital transformation of manufacturing. The journalists learned about the cutting-edge achievements of China's industrial Internet industry at the center, and witnessed the rapid development of the country's industrial digitalization.

Promoting Innovation Through Intelligence: Fostering New Growth Points with Emerging Industries


An autonomous minibus

China's first high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone was established in Beijing, which is marked by smart vehicles, intelligent roads, real-time cloud services, reliable networks, and precise maps, etc. The journalists were interested in the demonstration zone and took rides on the driverless minibuses and driverless taxis at Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. The trip sparked their expectations for the future innovation in daily life and smart travel.


Foreign journalists are interested in the "HYDROFORE" autonomous equipment of SPIC Hydrogen Energy Tech Co., Ltd.

In addition to autonomous driving technology, hydrogen energy stands out as a major driving force for industrial transformation. It is reported that the successful services have been offered by hydrogen-powered buses equipped with "Qingteng" fuel cells at major events such as the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021, the 18th China-ASEAN Expo in 2021, and the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

Beijing places significant emphasis on the development of the biomedicine industry for its status as one of the medium and high-level strategic emerging industries. Located in Daxing District, Beijing WeHand-Bio Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development of original and new drugs, specifically targeting metabolic diseases, malignant tumors, inflammatory and immune disorders, and other major illnesses.

Taking Manufacturing as a New Quality Productive Force: Promoting the High-Quality Development of Future Technology Industries


A journalist is "presenting a show" at a virtual studio in the special effects exhibition area of CDV.

At CDV's special effects exhibition area, the journalists got to know the company's latest virtual studio product - a technology enabling the seamless integration of virtual figures and creating a harmonious coexistence between the reality and the virtual world. There, the journalists witnessed the achievements of new quality productive forces in the field of media convergence and witnessed the transformation and upgrading for the future development direction of the field.


Inside the exhibition hall of Beijing SoundAI Technology Co., Ltd., an intelligent interactive robot arm is writing the theme of the event in both Chinese and English.

During the event, a robot arm equipped with SoundAI's intelligent voice interaction technology showcased its calligraphy skills before the journalists. Additionally, Mech Mind's robot arm demonstrated its proficiency in sorting goods, offering all the participating journalists a glimpse into the charm of the combination of AI and 3D visual technologies.

Beijing embraces new quality productive forces and thrives with high-quality development. Innovative achievements and practical insight are constantly emerging in various sectors of new quality productive forces, contributing to a technologically advanced, vibrant, and promising Beijing on a global stage.


(Source: CRI Online)
