Shougang Park Acknowledged as One of Beijing's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Bases for Small and Micro-sized Enterprises

Recently, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology announced the preliminary approved list of the entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases for small and micro-sized enterprises in Beijing for 2024. Shougang Park was acknowledged as one of these bases.

Shougang Park developed an industrial pattern with "1+3+X" (i. e. focusing on featured sectors of the science fiction industry, facilitating the pooling of sci-tech innovation resources and the relevant enterprises, promoting the growth of the sectors of Internet 3.0, AI and aerospace, while enriching consumption patterns centered on sports and cultural elements) as its core, focusing on the high-end, cutting-edge and sophisticated industries. The park has also been providing the latest policies and other information as well as professional guidance through organizing events like periodical industrial forums and annual policy interpretation meetings. The park also provides continued and daily services for the relevant businesses, which include but are not limited to the service of supply-demand matchmaking, and has successfully served over 800 enterprises.

So far, the number of the enterprises in Shougang Park has reached 823, with the total amount of the registered capital surpassing CNY 75 billion. The industrial enterprises make up for over 70 percent of the businesses in the park. The park is also home to 409 innovative sci-tech enterprises. The annualized growth rate of enterprises in the park is over 24 percent. It is also noteworthy that Shougang Park owns over 150 enterprise qualifications, including those of national high-tech enterprises, specialized, refined, differential and innovative enterprises, innovative medium and small-sized enterprises, and gazelle companies.

In the future, Shougang Park will continuously construct multifunctional industrial spaces for the incubation of offices for enterprises, exhibition and communication for enterprises, production of digital content, scenario demonstration and experiences, etc., by reforming and reusing the extant industrial relics, to provide a solid guarantee for the entrepreneurship and innovation of enterprises.

(Source: Shougang Park)
