Recently, the 2nd Forum on Global Communication of Chinese Cities (hereinafter referred to as the "Forum") was held in Haikou. The Forum was jointly organized by organizations including Reference News (Cankao Xiaoxi) and Xinhua News Information Center. The Analysis Report on Overseas Influence of Chinese Cities (2022) was released at the Forum, with 10 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou honored with the title of "Pioneering Chinese Cities in Building Global Image". In particular, Beijing ranked top consecutively for three years since 2021 due to the efforts to enhance the interaction between supply and demand pertaining to international communication and continuously improve its international communication in the new era.


Forging ahead with its profound transformation, Beijing is now the first super large city marked by reduction-based high-quality growth in China. In 2021, the city's GDP per capita exceeded USD 28,000, topping other cities in China. Beijing's business environment ranking, according to the World Bank, has reached 28th in the world. In eight global city rankings by authoritative organizations, including the Global Cities Index released by a US organization, Beijing was among the top ten in six rankings.


Xu Hejian, Deputy Director-General of the Communication Department of Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that Beijing is at the forefront of world cities and is increasingly becoming an international city with great overseas popularity and influence. According to the data collected by Chinese research institutions from overseas mainstream English-language media agencies and major social platforms, the overseas coverage of Beijing has been on the rise year by year, among the top cities around the world since 2020. From 2021 to 2022, Beijing surpassed Paris in terms of the coverage by overseas mainstream media, ranking second in the world. In 2022, Beijing ranked third in terms of the attention it drew on overseas social platforms.

(Source: Beijing Daily)