Beijing Leads in High-quality Development Among 50 Cities


The high-quality development index of Beijing demonstrates a generally upward trend, with an average annual growth rate of 3.75 percent, securing its position at the forefront among 50 cities in China for its level of high-quality development. The recently published Report on High-quality Development of Beijing (2024) lists Beijing, along with other cities including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen and Wuxi, as top cities showcasing exemplary development.

Commanding the national stage in high-quality development, Beijing excels in six indicators, namely "Economy", "Society", "Ecosystem", "Innovation", "Culture" and "Governance". Sci-tech innovation serves as the core driver of a city's high-quality development, and Beijing ranks first in terms of innovation-driven high-quality development, indicating the city's decided advantage in this regard. Significant contributions to Beijing's high-quality development index come from five areas: "Economy", "Society", "Ecosystem", "Innovation" and "Governance", with their growth rates aligning closely with or surpassing the average annual growth of the index. Notably, three indicators, namely "Innovation", "Society" and "Governance", have emerged as new drivers of the city's high-quality development.

(Source: Beijing Daily)
