The 2020 Press Conference on Global Cities in the Vision of the Belt and Road Initiative was held in Beijing recently, at which the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design released the Report on Global Cities in the Vision of the Belt and Road Initiative (2020). The report selects 505 sample cities in the world and assesses the vitality and potential of these cities in global development. Beijing tops the List of "Belt and Road" Potential Cities for the second time since 2019.

According to the report, as the world is going through turbulence and changes in 2020, the map of world cities is being redrawn. The report makes new observations on the hot topics and trends of globalization under the impact of COVID-19. Based on the Index for Dynamic Cities with Global Value and the Index for "Belt and Road" Potential Cities, the report evaluates the performance of global cities in the test of globalization. 

(Note: Content source is from BJNEWS.)