Foreign Embassies in Beijing (S-T)

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia

Chancery: No.1, Bei Xiao Jie,San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-85316555 


Embassy of the Republic of Senegal

Chancery: 305 Dong Wai Diplomatic Office Buiding, No. 23, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-65325035


Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone

Chancery: No. 7, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-65321222


Embassy of the Republic of Singapore

Chancery: No. 1 Xiu Shui Bei Jie, Jian Guo Men Wai

Tel: +86-10-65059393


Embassy of the Slovak Republic

Chancery: Ri Tan Lu, Jian Guo Men Wai

Tel: +86-10-65321531


Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia

Chancery: LC04-02, Block C, Liang Ma Qiao DRC, No.7, Liang Ma Qiao Bei Xiao Jie

Tel: +86-10-85326191


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Somalia

Chancery: No. 2, San Li Tun Road

Tel: +86-10-65321752


Embassy of Spain

Chancery: No. 9, San Li Tun Lu

Tel: +86-10-65323629, +86-10-65323728, +86-10-65321445


Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Chancery: No. 3, Jian Hua Lu, Jian Guo Men Wai

Tel: +86-10-65321861, +86-10-65321862


Embassy of the Republic of South Africa

Chancery: No. 5, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-85320000


Embassy of the Republic of Sudan

Chancery: No. 1, Dong Er Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-65323715, +86-10-65322205


Embassy of Sweden

Chancery: No. 3, Dong Zhi Men Wai Street

Tel: +86-10-85311800


Embassy of Switzerland

Chancery: No. 3, Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-85328888


Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic

Chancery: No. 6, Dong Si Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-65321372


Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania

Chancery: No. 8, Liang Ma He Nan Lu, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-65321491, +86-10-65321719


Royal Thai Embassy

Chancery: No. 21, Guang Hua Lu

Tel: +86-10-85318700


Embassy of the Republic of Togo

Chancery: No. 11, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-65322202, +86-10-65322444


Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia

Chancery: No. 1, San Li Tun Dong Jie

Tel: +86-10-65322435, +86-10-65322436, +86-10-65327688


Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye

Chancery: No.9, Dong Wu Jie,San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-65321715, +86-10-65322490


Embassy of Turkmenistan

Chancery: King's Garden Villas H-5, 18 Xiaoyun Road

Tel: +86-10-65326975



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