
Royal Embassy of Cambodia

Chancery: No. 9, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-6532 1889

Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon

Chancery: No. 7, Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-6532 1828,+86-10-6532 2344

Embassy of Canada

Chancery: No. 19, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie

Tel: +86-10-5139 4000

Embassy of the Republic of Chad

Chancery: 4-2-41, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Building, No.1, Xin Dong Lu

Tel: +86-10-8532 3822

Embassy of the Republic of Chile

Chancery: No. 1, Dong Si Jie, San Li Tun

Tel:  +86-10-6532 1591,  +86-10-5979 2370

Embassy of the Republic of Colombia

Chancery: No. 34, Guang Hua Lu

Tel: +86-10-6532 3377, +86-10-6532 1971, +86-10-6532 0740, +86-10-8532 1835

Embassy of the Republic of the Congo

Chancery: No. 7, Dong Si Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-6532 1658, +86-10-6532 1417, +86-10-6532 1387

Embassy of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire

Chancery: No. 9, Bei Xiao Jie, San Li Tun

Tel: +86-10-6532 1482, +86-10-6532 3572, +86-10-6532 1223

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia

Chancery: Villa 5-2, Qi Jia Yuan Diplomatic Residence Compound

Tel: +86-10-6532 6242

Embassy of the Republic of Cuba

Chancery: No. 1, Xiu Shui Nan Jie, Jian Guo Men Wai

Tel: +86-10-6532 1714, +86-10-6532 0225, +86-10-6532 2656

Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus

Chancery: 2-13-2, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building, No. 14, Liang Ma He Nan Lu

Tel: +86-10-6532 5057,  +86-10-6532 5059,  +86-10-6532 7056,  +86-10-6532 7057

Embassy of the Czech Republic

Chancery: No. 2, Ri Tan Lu, Jian Guo Men Wai

Tel: +86-10-8532 9500