【184】北辛庄村高跷秧歌 文图 内容 800.png

The Beixinzhuang Village Stilt Yangge Dance is a traditional folk performance originating from Beixinzhuang Village in Wangxinzhuang Town, Pinggu District. Established during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China era, it represents an artistic fusion of traditional rural dance and folk songs from villages in Northern China. In this performance, twelve stilt performers take on different roles, each wielding various props and showcasing unique dance movements that correspond to their character's traits. These performers are colloquially known as the "Twelve Yaoxian" or "Twelve Fairy Demons," whose performance depicts the lives of fishermen, woodcutters, farmers, and scholars.

The music used in the Beixinzhuang Village Stilt Yangge Dance incorporates elements of Buddhist melodies into the local Yangge tunes, giving it a distinctively ancient and traditional charm.

(Source: Pinggu District Administration of Government Services)