Customs Clearance and Regulations

List of the People's Republic of China of Articles Prohibited from Import and Export

I. Articles prohibited from import

1. Various types of weapons, ammunition and explosives;

2. Counterfeit currencies and securities;

3. Printed matters, films, photographs, discs, movies, sound recording tapes, video recording tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other articles that are pernicious to China's politics, economy, culture and morality;

4. Various types of deadly poisons;

5. Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana and other anaesthetic drugs to which people can become addictive;

6. Animals, plants and their by-products with hazardous germs or pests;

7. Food, medicine or any article which is obstructive to hygiene and infectious coming from epidemic areas.

II. Articles prohibited from export

1. All the articles prohibited from import as stipulated by the state;

2. Manuscripts, printed matters, films, photographs, discs, movies, sound recording tapes, video recording tapes, laser discs, computer storage media and other articles, of which the contents involve state secrets;

3. Precious cultural relics and other cultural works prohibited from export;

4. Endangered and rare animals and plants (including specimens) and relevant seeds and breeding materials.

List of the People's Republic of China of Articles Restricted from Import and Export

I. Articles restricted from import

1. Wireless transceivers and communication privacy machines;

2. Cigarettes and alcohol;

3. Endangered and rare animals and plants (including specimens) and relevant seeds and breeding materials;

4. National currencies;

5. Other articles restricted from import by customs.

II. Articles restricted from export

1. Precious metal like gold and silver and relevant products;

2. National currencies;

3. Foreign currencies and relevant securities;

4. Wireless transceivers and communication privacy machines;

5. Precious Chinese medicinal materials;

6. Ordinary cultural relics;

7. Other articles restricted from export by customs.


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