Hiking Enthusiasts Rejoice: Discover Beijing's Premier Spring Mountaineering Destinations!


Springtime in Beijing calls for exploration beyond the city center, especially for hiking enthusiasts. Discover the top hiking destinations in and around Beijing this season.

Baiwangshan Forest Park

Opening Hours: 07:00-19:00 (Last entry at 17:00)

Photo via Baiwangshan Forest Park

Baiwang Mountain stands just three kilometers north of the Summer Palace, with its highest peak reaching 210 meters above sea level. The park offers several hiking trails, mostly straightforward and easy to navigate. On clear days, hikers can ascend via the Main Tour Route 1 to the summit, where they can enjoy a panoramic view of Beijing.

Fragrant Hills Park

Opening Hours: 06:00-18:00

Photo via Fragrant Hills Park

Fragrant Hills has incredibly picturesque scenery in spring, with lush green hills, meandering paths through woods, and hidden garden structures nestled among pine trees. Watching the sunset from the peak of the Fragrant Hills is a captivating experience cherished by many hiking enthusiasts.

Xishan National Forest Park

Opening Hours: 08:00-18:00

Photo via Xishan National Forest Park

Xishan National Forest Park,located in Xiaoxishan in Beijing's western suburbs, offers three recommended hiking routes: the hiking trail, forest trail, and fitness trail. These routes offer a range of options to explore the park's scenic beauty.

Fenghuangling Scenic Area

Opening Hours: 07:00-17:00

Photo via Fenghuangling Scenic Area

Fenghuangling Scenic Area features a diverse landscape of unique peaks, magnificent rocks, immense forests, and divine springs. The scenic area offers three hiking routes – northern, central and southern routes – comprising over 40 sightseeing spots. The central route, the shortest of the three, takes approximately an hour, while the longest northern route spans three to four hours.

Badachu Park

Opening Hours: 06:00-18:00

Photo via Badachu Park

Badachu Park is renowned for its eight well-preserved ancient temples. The highest peak stands at 464 meters above sea level. Upon entering, visitors are greeted by the iconic Wishing Tree. Along the route that winds past all the park's attractions, visitors can ascend the slope on the left.

Source: Wenlv Beijing
