Guide for International Youth Interns Exchange Program's Participants (Category C, Interns from France, Germany, or Singapore) Seeking to Apply for Notification Letters of Foreigner's Work Permit in the People's Republic of China and Foreigner's Work Permits

Eligible Applicants

1. An eligible applicant must be aged 18 or older and in good health with no criminal record. He/she must have an employer in the Chinese mainland and the professional skills or expertise necessary to perform the work.

2. The work performed by the applicant must serve China's economic and social development, and there must be a high demand for the corresponding professionals who are in short supply.

3. Where existing laws or regulations provide otherwise for the employment of foreign nationals in China, such provisions shall prevail.

4. French interns may be selected from students of Chinese or French universities and vocational and technical schools, and those who have graduated within one year. French students currently studying in China may apply for internship programs without having to return to France.

An eligible German intern must have each completed a minimum of four semesters of study at a Chinese or German university or vocational or technical school, or has graduated within one year and be aged 18 to 35. His/her internship program must be relevant to his/her degree or qualification.

Interns from Singapore must be full-time students of public tertiary institutions (including universities and polytechnics) or have graduated from such institutions within one year when applying for visas under the Agreement Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Singapore on Youth Interns Exchange Scheme. Youths eligible to participate in the China-Singapore Youth Interns Exchange Scheme must be citizens of Singapore and have never participated in the scheme when applying.
