On September 16, 13 museums in Chaoyang District joined hands to enter the SOLANA mall, presenting cultural exhibitions, cultural and creative markets, and craftmanship performances... Within the shopping mall, citizens could not only appreciate exquisite artworks but also personally engage in creating cultural and creative products.


Exhibits of the thematic exhibition of Beijing Gold Lacquer Inlay Art Museum displayed at the atrium on the G-level of the SOLANA mall.


A citizen is taking photos of the lacquer painting titled "Monkey" on display. The cultural and creative market invited 13 museums from Chaoyang District, including the Beijing Arts and Crafts Museum, Beijing Golden Lacquer Inlay Art Museum, Guanfu Museum, China Railway Museum, and China Red Sandalwood Museum. Each museum has showcased its "most precious treasure".


Yu Jinjiang, founder of the Museum of Yuxiaoguo Pastry Moulds, showcases mooncake moulds.


Citizens select accessories in the exhibition area within the mall.


Citizens dressed in Hanfu traditional clothing appreciate the exhibited items. 

(Source: The Beijing News)