Recently, a business service map for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Beijing was officially released, serving as a comprehensive and facilitated service guide for SMEs citywide. The service map covers all the districts in Beijing (including Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area), featuring 175 SME public service demonstration platforms and 109 innovation and entrepreneurship demonstration bases for micro and small-sized businesses. On the business service map for small and medium-sized enterprises of the "Beijing 12345 Service Guide" (click "SME business services"/中小企业服务 on to enter), people can check for service providers nearby and learn about their company names, office addresses, service phone numbers, service content, and other types of information with less effort.
The business service map for small and medium-sized enterprises was released.
In the future, the map will be continuously optimized. Based on enterprises' actual demands, the map is expected to enrich its service provision and feature more service providers, to further enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of its services. New measures favorable for the development of SMEs will be explored.
It is reported that Beijing plans to construct approximately 1,000 "Homes of Micro and Small-Sized Businesses", 100 service stations for specialized, fined, peculiar and innovative SMEs, 300 demonstration platforms (bases), 20 specialized industrial parks with specialized, refined, differential and innovative enterprises, and 20 specialized SME industrial clusters by 2027. These facilities are expected to ensure the provision of full life cycle services and total factor resources tailored for SMEs in diverse phases of development, and keep promoting the quality and effectiveness of the services for SMEs.
(Source: People's Daily)