Rare Animals Frequently Sighted Due to Continuous Improvements in Ecological Environment of Beijing


Recently, there have been frequent reports of sightings of rare animals in various areas of Beijing, such as bekko tombos (Libellula angelina), long-tailed gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus), and grey herons (Ardea cinerea).


A bekko tombo


A photo taken on a bank of Shangzhuang Reservoir

A monitoring team has recently spotted the critically endangered bekko tombos, a type of endangered dragonflies, along the shores of Shangzhuang Reservoir in Haidian District. This species, even more endangered than giant panda, is now as rare as the Chinese sturgeon, a national first-level protected animal of China.

Currently, small groups of bekko tombos are congregating within the waters on the boundary of Shangzhuang Reservoir. The gradual recovery of the aquatic environment here has created favorable conditions for the survival and reproduction of aquatic flora and fauna in more and more waters along the canal.


Long-tailed gorals [Photo by Zhang Wuyuan]

Two long-tailed gorals, protected at the second level nationally in China, were recently observed in Labagoumen Manchu Township Nature Reserve, Huairou District. Six years have elapsed since these creatures were first spotted in the area.

The long-tailed goral is the only wild bovid in Beijing, and its population has been dwindling each year. The species has been included in the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species.


A grey heron

Recently, a large bird less known to the public was spotted at Changping Park. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed to be a grey heron. This species has been included in the Directory of Terrestrial Wildlife Under State Protection That Are Beneficial or Have Great Economic and Scientific Research Values.

The richness of biodiversity is a result of a healthy ecological environment. Protected animals typically have high standards for their living conditions. The fact that more and more protected animals are choosing to reside and thrive in Beijing is a testament to the remarkable success of biodiversity conservation efforts in the city.

(Sources: WeChat official accounts "Beijing Fabu", "Beijing Haidian", and "Huairou Rongmei")
