High Temperatures Continue in Beijing! Please Keep This Heatstroke Prevention Guide


Beijing has been experiencing continuous high temperatures with persistent heat. Are you perspiring profusely and feeling weak in the limbs? Wondering if it could be heatstroke? Don't worry. Keep this heatstroke prevention guide at hand.

Be Alert to the Following Heatstroke Symptoms 

Mild Symptoms:

Thirst, fatigue, excessive sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, headache, nausea, chest tightness, palpitations, difficulty in concentrating, etc., with normal or slightly elevated body temperature (usually not exceeding 38°C).

Moderate Symptoms:

Body temperature above 38°C, together with early signs of circulatory dysfunction such as flushed or pale complexion, restlessness or apathy, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, cold and moisty skin, weak and rapid pulse, low blood pressure, accelerated heart rate, and spasms of hands and feet.

Severe Symptoms:

Possible high fever, absence of sweating, and loss of consciousness.

Measures to Be Taken for Heatstroke

For patients experiencing mild symptoms of heatstroke, move the patients to a cool, shady and ventilated environment, have them drink light salt water or cool beverages containing salt, and make them rest until they recover.

For those with rather severe symptoms, cover their foreheads and torsos with cool, damp towels, and use electric fans or air conditioning to help dissipate heat.

If these measures are ineffective, call 120 to seek professional medical assistance.

Reduce Outdoor Activities:

Minimize outdoor activities during high temperatures. If you must go out, try to do so in the early morning or late evening and stay outdoors as short as possible. If you need to go out at noon, take breaks in cool indoor areas for a few minutes from time to time before continuing outdoor activities.

Sun Protection:

Use a sun umbrella, wear a sun hat and sunglasses, and apply sunscreen. Minimize your stay time in direct sunlight whenever possible.

Stay Hydrated:

Carry sports drinks or light salt water when going out in summer. Drink cooling beverages that prevent heatstroke, such as hawthorn soup, iced watermelon juice, and mung bean and plum soup.

Keep a Clean and Healthy Diet:

Choose light, easily digestible foods that are high in vitamins and protein while low in fat. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.


(Sources: Shijingshan Hospital, Shijingshan District Convergence Media Center)
