Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Chancery: No.1, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie
Tel: +86-10-65322504
Embassy of the State of Palestine
Chancery: No. 2, Dong San Jie, San Li Tun
Tel: +86-10-65323327
Embassy of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Chancery: 2-11-2, Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building
Tel: +86-10-6532 4312, +86-10-65324709
Embassy of the Republic of Peru
Chancery: 1-91, San Li Tun Diplomatic Compound
Tel: +86-10-65323719, +86-10-65322976
Embassy of the Republic of Philippines
Chancery: No. 23, Xiu Shui Bei Jie, Jian Guo Men Wai
Tel: +86-10-65321872
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Chancery: No. 1, Ri Tan Lu, Jian Guo Men Wai
Tel: +86-10-65321235, +86-10-65321236
Embassy of the State of Qatar
Chancery: A-7 Liang Ma Qiao Diplomatic Compound
Tel: +86-10-65322233
Embassy of Romania
Chancery: No.2 Ri Tan Lu Dong Er Jie
Tel: +86-10-65323442,+86-10-65325763
Embassy of the Russian Federation
Chancery: No.4, Dong Zhi Men Bei Zhong Jie
Tel: +86-10-65322051, +86-10-65321381
Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda
Chancery: No. 30, Xiu Shui Bei Jie
Tel: +86-10-65322193, +86-10-65321762
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