'New Tech, New Life': 2024 Colorful World International Youth Painting Invitational Exhibition Calls for Submissions



Since the Chinese poet Qu Yuan imagined the starry sky in "Questions to Heaven" more than 2,000 years ago, our quest for the unknown world has never ceased. Every step gained in scientific exploration is propelling the progress of human civilization.

President Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that today, science and technology are bearing on the humanity’s future and the benefit of the people like never before.

"New Tech, New Life" 2024 "Colorful World International Youth Painting Invitational Exhibition advocates young people to display the role of science and technology in promoting human life with paintings and videos, and to improve the awareness of scientific and technological innovation among families and communities to jointly build a better future. We now call for entries from young people all over the world.



We are kicking off the solicitation of paintings that show the role of science and technology in urban development, rural revitalization, ecological protection, artificial intelligence, aerospace, sustainable development and other aspects.

In tandem with that, we are also calling for teenagers to submit short videos entitled "New Tech, New Life", as a way to draw the attention of their families and the public to the development of scientific and technological innovation. The best short videos will be displayed online.

Both online and in-person exhibitions of the paintings will be held. The award-winning representatives, heads of relevant institutions, diplomats in China, experts on aesthetic education and Chinese and foreign media professionals will be invited to the award ceremony.

Countries, cities, schools and art institutions are highly encouraged to organize their own events to select prominent paintings and exhibit them.


I. Contributors

Worldwide participants aged from 4 to 18, to be divided into three age groups: participants aged 4-6; participants aged 7-12; participants aged 13-18.

II. Timeline

Event Launch:April 2024

Deadline for painting submission: July 31

Deadline for video submission: August 31

Evaluation: September 2024

Award & Opening Ceremonies: November

III. Instruction


Watercolor paintings, oil paintings, crayon drawings, ink paintings, woodcuts, etc.


To depict world cultural heritage, natural heritage and dual cultural and natural heritage of a country, displaying cultural diversity and reflecting the exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations.


A3 or quarto (within 389mm × 546mm)

Canvas painting No.F8 (Within 455mm×380mm)

IV. Submission

1. Submit the digital copy to: waae@waae.com.cn.  If further instruction is given, please deliver the hard copy to: Bimo China, No. 61, Suzhou Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China (Postal Code:100005). When submitting the hard copy, please fill in the Painting Information Form and attach the form to the back of the painting. For group submissions, please also fill out the Group Registration Form. Copy and paste the following link into the browser for relevant documents and forms: https://colorfulworld.waae.com.cn/mobile/article/article_detail/id/692.html. The submitted entries will not be returned.

2. Group submission is preferred. Please direct any inquiries to the contact person.

3. The digital copy is to be sent in JPG or PNG format with a resolution of 300 dpi and size of 2-3MB. The submitting group should sequence the works and names of contributors should also be marked. All information must be in line with that in the Group Registration Form.

4. Children are also encouraged to participate in the video shooting event themed "New Tech, New Life". The video should be around 60 seconds in length, in landscape format, and sent to: waae@waae.com.cn. Content of the videos can include but are not limited to: introduction to the ideas or stories behind the painting one submits, or issuance of a call on the public to use the power of technology to build a better world. Excellent videos will be showcased online or on TV.

Telephone of Organizing Committee:


Contact Persons:  

Mr. Ouyang +86-13901222653

Ms. Liu +86-18601304321

V. Copyright

1. The Organizing Committee owns the copyright on all art works contributed and exhibited, and the contributors enjoy the right of authorship over their works. The Organizing Committee has the right to retain the works and own the full copyright and the right to use (including but not limited to exhibition, publicity, publication and other non-commercial purposes). This event is a non-beneficial event, it’s free for all the participants.

2. All the art works so contributed and exhibited shall be the participants’ original works and have not been published in any other exhibition or contest. Any plagiarism detected will result in immediate disqualification from participation and exhibition.

3. Participants shall also promise their works will not infringe on the rights or interests of a third party (including copyright, right of portrait, right of fame, right of privacy and other legal rights and interests), and shall not contain any controversial content involving territorial disputes, racial discrimination, etc.

VI. Evaluation Criteria


1. Evaluation principles: fairness, impartiality and objectivity.

2. Scoring criteria: Scores will be given based on the form, category, imagination, observation, theme expression, aesthetic expression, and creativity, etc.

Evaluation Process

A Preliminary Jury, an Expert Jury and a Final Jury will be set up by the Organizing Committee to evaluate the works.

VII. Awards

Awards for Participants

Awards are separated into two categories, one for Chinese participants and the other for internaitonal participants. There will be several First, Second and Third Prize winners out of each age group (as divided above). The rest participants will be awarded a Prize for Excellence and a certificate to be issued by the Organizing Committee. The final number of awards may be adjusted according to the quantity and quality of entries collected.

Awards for Organizations

Awards for outstanding organizations will be given to cities, friendship organizations, overseas Chinese organizations, schools, and art institutions that have made active efforts to encourage and organize participation in the event.


Official website: colorful.waae.com.cn

You can check out event notices and related information. Awarding results and certificates, as well as the online exhibition will be available in due course.

You can see event information and excellent videos on event-themed WeChat public account/video account, special column on Xuexi.com, Beijing Municipal People’s Government official website international edition special column (9 languages); "International Youth Painting Invitational Exhibition", "Bimo China" and "WAAE" .

Dear young friends, come and join us, by taking part in the 2024 "Colorful World"International Youth Painting Invitational Exhibition Let’s draw the "new tech" and "new life", in the hope of changing the world through the power of science and technology.
