1. Every applicant is required to go through relevant procedures in person at the exit-entry administration department of a public security organ. For high-level talented individuals urgently needed by the state, minors aged under 16 and seniors aged over 60, and those with mobility challenges due to illness, their applications may be submitted by their inviting organizations or relatives, or relevant service agencies.
Any individual or organization concerned failing to attend a scheduled interview without valid reasons may face the denial of visa issuance as per the relevant laws. The decision of the exit-entry administration department on matters such as rejecting visa extension, renewal, or re-issuance, or denying the issuance of stay or residence permits, shall be final.
2. In case of unknown or conflicting nationalities, relevant nationality identification documents such as foreign passports, permanent residence permits, and naturalization certificates shall be submitted. Applicants under 18 years old applying for the first time in China shall also provide their birth certificates, parents' passports, and certificates of residence outside China for nationality determination.
3. The application materials shall be submitted in original.
4. Relevant materials in foreign languages shall be translated into Chinese.
5. Those who have not canceled their Chinese household registration and resident identity card shall do so before application.
Information and Supervision Hotline: +86-10-12367
Official WeChat account of the Exit-Entry Administration Department of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Beijing Gong'an Churujing
Related website: www.bjgaj.gov.cn/→Online Services →Foreigners →Visa/Stay or Residence Permit Application.