

5 Beixiange, Xicheng District, Beijing

Service Languages

English, Korean, Japanese, Italian

Emergency Services

Not available

How to Make an Outpatient Appointment

You can make an appointment via the official App of the hospital;

You can also follow the official WeChat account of Guang'anmen Hospital to make an appointment;

Consultation and Appointment Hotline: (+8610) 88001248

Introduction of Specialties

Guang'anmen Hospital's IMD is good at treating all kinds of medical and surgical diseases (e.g. tumors, those of cosmetic dermatology, anorectal diseases) and endocrine and metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes, pediatric diseases, arthritis, gynecological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, sequelae of stroke) through Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the integrative medicine (combining the Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine).