1. Overseas students who have graduated from universities in China and are willing to start a new business in Beijing.

2. Foreigners who are planning for investment or starting innovative enterprises in Beijing.

3. Foreign talent and members of innovation and entrepreneurship teams introduced in key development fields and industries in China.

4. Foreign nationals of Chinese origin who have started businesses in key development fields in China. 

1. Valid passport or other international travel documents.

2. VISA / STAY PERMIT / RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM with a recent half-length, white background, bareheaded, front-faced 2-inch color photo.

3. Valid accommodation registration in Beijing.

4. Foreigners aged between 18-70 who apply for residence permits with a validity period of more than one year are required to submit the Verification Certificate of Medical Examination Records of Overseas Personnel issued by Entry-Exit Health and Quarantine Department of China within six months.

5. Foreigners who meet the first requirement shall also submit a personal application or unit application, certificate of graduation from their university, and certificate related to innovation and entrepreneurship issued by the relevant competent authorities.

Foreigners who meet the second requirement shall also submit personal application and business plan, personal domestic deposit certificate or bank statement (more than CNY 50,000), domestic and foreign intellectual property rights or patent certificates (those issued abroad shall be authenticated by Chinese embassy or consulate in their home countries), or the applicant's investment certificates issued by the relevant competent authorities in Beijing, or the invitation letter and guarantee letter issued by the host organization or partner in Beijing. The host organization in Beijing shall also submit their Tax Payment Certificate for the previous year; The partner in Beijing shall also submit a domestic no criminal personal commitment (valid within six months).Foreigners who meet the third requirement shall also submit a recommendation letter issued by the Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park or the municipal or district bureau of commerce or other authorities in charge of the key development areas in Beijing, as well as the employment contract and guarantee letter of the innovation and entrepreneurship team in which the applicants serve.

Foreigners who meet the fourth requirement shall also submit relevant certificate of entrepreneurship, business plan or certificate of establishment issued by the Administrative Commission of Zhongguancun Science Park or the municipal or district bureau of commerce or other authorities in charge of the key development areas in Beijing.

6. Foreign nationals of Chinese origin shall submit a copy of their passport of the People's Republic of China, household registration certificate, ID card, etc., which can confirm that they once had PRC nationality (or proof that their parents have/have had PRC nationality).

Exit and Entry Administration Service Center of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: 9:00-17:00 from Mondays to Saturdays (Except statutory holidays)

Application Location

a. Exit-Entry Administration Reception Hall of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: No. 2, Dong Avenue, An Ding Men, Dongcheng District, (the southeast corner of Bei Xiao Jie Bridge, Second Ring Road).

b. Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Zhongguancun Science Park (No. Jia 22, Shuang Yu Shu Bei Li, Haidian District).

c. Branch of the Government Affairs Center of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: No. 1 West 3rd Ring South Road, Fengtai District(Unit C, 3/F, Beijing Government Affairs Center).

d. Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Chaoyang Sub-bureau (1st Floor, Building 304, BEZ IT PARK, No. Jia 10, Jiu Xian Qiao Bei Road, Chaoyang District).

e.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of CBD Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Rm.0309. Beijing Fortune Plaza Office Building Block A Side Building, No.7 Courtyard, E.3rd Ring Road Middle, Chaoyang.

f.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Shunyi Sub-bureau (1st Floor, No. Jia 3 Office building, Tian Zhu Dong Road, Shunyi District).

g.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Shijingshan Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: No. Jia 3, Gu Cheng Nan Li, Shijingshan District.

h.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Tong Zhou Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Rm. 2020,2/F, Building of Tongzhou Park, Beijing Human Resource Service Industrial Park of China, No. 11. Xinhua East Street, Tongzhou District.

i.Economic and Technological Development Zone Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Daxing Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: 1/F, No.4 Wanyuan street, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

j.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Feng Tai Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Nanyuan Road No.7, Fengtai District(3/F Fengtai Government Affairs Center).

k.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Huai Rou Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Qingchun Road No.37, Huairou District(Huairou Government Affairs Service Center Gong’an Service Branch Center).

l.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Yan Qing Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Qingyuan Street No.60, Yanqing District(Yanqing Government Affairs Service Center).

m.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Dong Cheng Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Jinbao Street No.52, Dongcheng District.

n.Exit-Entry Administration &Foreigner Service Center of Hai Dian Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau:2/F, Beibu Service Mansion, Beiqing Road No.95, Haidian District

o.Exit-Entry Administration &Foreigner Service Center of Xi Cheng Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau:1/F,No.8, Xuanwumen Outer Street Haolou Block D(1/F Xicheng Government Affairs Center)

p.Exit-Entry Administration &Foreigner Service Center of Da Xing Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Building 8# Jinxing Road No.18 Courtyard, Daxing District

q.Changping Government Affairs Service Center Life Science Park Branch Center of Public Security: Building 4, Kexueyuan Road No.4 Courtyard, Changping

Working Hours

a. For Exit-Entry Administration Reception Hall of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Zhongguancun Science Park, the service center in Chaoyang & Shunyi & Yanqing & Daxing District: at 9:00 --17:00 from Monday to Saturday;

b. Branch of the Government Affairs Center of Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 9:00-12:00 and13:30-17:00 from Monday to Friday; at 9:00-13:00on Saturday;

c.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Shijingshan & Fengtai  Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau & Changping Government Affairs Service Center Life Science Park Branch Center of Public Security: at 9:00-16:30 from Monday to Saturday;

d. Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of CBD Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:00 from Monday to Friday;

e.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Dongcheng & Tong Zhou Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Economic and Technological Development Zone Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Daxing Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 9:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday;

f.Exit-Entry Administration & Foreigner Service Center of Huairou Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 8:30-11:30 and 13:30-17:30 from Monday to Saturday;

g.Exit-Entry Administration &Foreigner Service Center of Hai Dian Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 9:00-12:00;13:30-17:00 from Monday to Saturday;

h.Exit-Entry Administration &Foreigner Service Center of Xi Cheng Sub-bureau of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: at 9:00-12:00;13:30-17:00 from Monday to Friday;

I. Please see further notices for other national holidays.

  • Timeline for Application
  • Points for Attention
  • Legal Reminders

The application shall be processed within seven working days upon the submission of complete application materials.

1. Relevant procedures shall be handled by the person himself/herself at the exit-entry administration of the public security organs. For applicants who are high-level talent or urgently needed talent by the country, or those under the age of 16 or over 60, and those who are unable to travel due to illness or other reasons, the host organization, the applicant’s family members or a particular service agency can submit the application on their behalf.

Any unit or individual that is notified by the exit-entry administration of the public security organs for an interview may not be issued the Visa/Stay Permit and Residence Permit according to the law if they fail to undergo the interview within the agreed time without justifiable reasons. The decision made by the exit-entry administration of the public security organs on rejecting the applications for extension, renewal or re-issuance of ordinary visa or on not issuing foreigners’ stay or residence permits or on not extending the duration of residence, shall be final.

2. In case of unknown or conflicting nationalities, relevant nationality identification documents such as the foreign passport, the permanent residence permit of the country where the passport is issued, and the naturalization certificate shall be submitted. The applicant, who is under 18 years old and is applying for the first time in China, shall also submit his/her Medical Certificate of Birth or Birth Paper, the passports of his/her parents and the certificate of residence outside China and other documents for nationality determination.

3. The original application materials shall be submitted for verification.

4. Relevant materials in foreign languages shall be translated into Chinese.

5. Persons who have not canceled their Chinese household registration and resident identity card shall apply after cancellation.

VI. Hotline for Information and Supervision: +86-10-12367

VII. WeChat Official Account of Exit-Entry Administration Department of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau: Beijing Gong'an Churujing

VIII. Related website: www.bjgaj.gov.cn/→Online Services→Foreigners→Visa/Stay or Residence Permit Application.


Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners Article 13:

During the period of time when the applicant’s passport or other international travel documents are retained for processing his or her application for a visa or permit, the applicant may stay in China legally on the strength of the receipt of acceptance.

Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners Article 22: 

Where a foreigner holding a residence permit for study intends to engage in off-campus work-study or internship, he or she shall, upon the approval of the school, apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ to have such information as the location and duration of the work-study program or internship placement specified in his or her residence permit. A foreigner holding a residence permit for study shall not engage in any off-campus work-study or internship unless the information prescribed in the preceding paragraph is specified in his or her residence permit.

Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners Article 26:

Upon discovery of one of the following circumstances, the entity that employs a foreigner or admits a foreign student shall, in a timely manner, report to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ of the local people’s government at or above the county level:

(1) A foreigner employed resigns or changes employment location;

(2) A foreign student admitted has graduated, completed his or her course(s) or study, has quit school, or has left the school ungraduated;

(3) A foreigner employed or a foreign student admitted violates the provisions on administration of exit and entry; or

(4) A foreigner employed or a foreign student admitted dies, disappears or other serious circumstances arise.

 Foreigners applying for changes in their residence permit registration and birth registration in Beijing should comply with the following legal provisions:

Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China Article 33:

The registered items of a foreign residence permit shall include name, sex, date of birth, reason for residence and duration of residence of the holder, date and place of issuance, passport number or other international travel documents number. Where the registered item in a foreigner’s residence permit has changed, the holder shall, within 10 days from the date of change, apply to the exit/entry administration of public security organ under the local people’s government at or above the county level in the place of residence for going through the formalities for alteration.

Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China Article 40:

For foreign infants born in China, their parents or agents shall, within 60 days after they are born, on the strength of the birth certificates, go through the formalities for stay or residence registration for them with the exit/entry administrations of public security organs under people’s governments at or above the county level in the places of their parents’ stay or residence.