Keeping Dogs According to Law and in Good Manners

Any dog keeper shall abide by the following provisions:

(1) They shall not take a dog to public places such as markets, department stores, commercial streets, restaurants, parks, communal green belts, schools (campuses), hospitals, exhibition centers, cinemas and theaters, gymnasiums (stadiums), public fitness centers in communities, amusement parks, or waiting rooms at train or bus stations.

(2) They shall not take a dog on any public transportation means other than mini-taxis; before taking a mini-taxi with a dog, the keeper shall at first obtain consent from the driver, and muzzle the dog, put it into a dog bag or cage, or carry it in arms.

(3) They shall avoid peak times for elevators, and muzzle the dog or put it into a dog bag or cage when taking an elevator. The residents' committees, villagers'committees, or property owners' committees may, based on the actual circumstances, determine the specific times when taking an elevator with a dog is forbidden.

(4) They shall lead the dog with a leash when bringing it outdoors and the dog shall be led by an adult. The dog-keeping registration certificate shall be brought and the dog shall be kept away fromelders, disabled, pregnant, and children.
(5) Ferocious or large dogs shall be raised with a chain or in a pen. Walking such dogs is not allowed. If they must be brought outdoors due to registration, annual inspection, immunization, or medical treatment, they shall be put into dog cages, or muzzled and leashed, as well as led by an adult.

(6) They shall clear the dog's excrement immediately when bringing the dog outdoors.

(7) They shall not disturb other people's life. If noises made by the dog influence other people's rest, the dog keeper shall take effective measures to stop the noise.

(8) They shall inoculate the dogs with rabies vaccine regularly.

(9) They shall not abuse or abandon the dogs raised.

(10) They shall strictly perform other obligations specified in the Letter of Commitment for Dog Keepers. 

