
Shidu Scenic Area in Fangshan District [Photo via VCG]

Beijing's Fangshan District Releases Over 40 Cultural and Tourism Events During Labor Day Holiday

Fangshan District unveiled a travel list of more than 40 cultural and tourism events for citizens and tourists during the Labor Day holiday.

Jin Lu, Deputy District Mayor of Fangshan District People's Government of Beijing Municipality said on April 24, the Shidu Scenic Area would enjoy a tourist season starting from May, with various events to be gradually launched at the Juma Park, Donghugang, Legu Yintan and other attractions. Citizens can visit the Bailihualang Scenic Area which is known for its gorgeous landscape, or experience rafting and bungee jumping.

Additionally, citizens can go on a trip to the Baicaopan Scenic Area, the "Summer Resort in the Suburb of Beijing", and Bairui Valley, an Internet-famous attraction in Beijing, for sightseeing and photo-taking.

The 6th "European Smoketree Flowers Festival" is set to be held in the Youlan Mountain Scenic Area at Zhoukoudian from April 28 to May 31. Fangshan District also introduced a variety of study trips to museums, such as the study trips at the Zhoukoudian Site Museum, parent-child tours at the Shihuadong Scenic Area, and various experience activities at the China Fangshan Global Geopark Museum.

In addition to exciting events during the Labor Day holiday, Fangshan District will introduce 98 featured events centering on four seasons this year, Jin said.

(Source: The Beijing News)