How to Guard Against Pollen Allergies as Beijing Enters the Peak of Spring Pollen Season

The Pollen Laboratory of the Department of Allergy, Beijing Shijitan Hospital found that Beijing has entered the peak period of spring pollen season. Wang Xueyan, Director of the Allergy Center of the hospital, reminded the public that the incidence of respiratory diseases is high in spring and pollen allergies are easily mistaken for colds, and advised constant vigilance to avoid treatment delay.

The allergenic pollen floating in the air is mainly released by trees of the Ulmus genus and Cupressaceae family, with a small amount from Populus species, according to the hospital's Pollen Laboratory. Since March 2, the concentration of main allergenic pollen in the air has exceeded 100 particles per thousand square millimeters for four consecutive days, and the patient visits to the Department of Allergy have also increased by 30 percent. As the temperature warms, the pollen concentration will continue to rise and more people will suffer from allergic symptoms.

The incidence of respiratory diseases surges in spring. As allergic rhinitis and colds share some common symptoms, people are more likely to misuse or abuse antibiotics and suffer from treatment delay. Wang reminded that pollen allergy is obviously seasonal and lasts for at least three weeks, without symptoms of fever or systemic poisoning. If a certain related symptom recurs regularly, the patient concerned should stay alert to allergies. In Beijing, the main types of pollen permeating in the air vary by seasons. Therefore, patients should have allergy tests at hospitals and follow doctors' advice for treatment. Without standardized and systematic drug treatment, the symptoms will get worse.

In addition, experts recommend that allergic patients should timely protect themselves in a scientific manner and reduce exposure to pollen. Specifically, the patients are advised to wear masks and goggles when going out, and take off coats and wash hands, eyes and nose after entering rooms.

(Source: Beijing Daily)

