'Cycling in Beijing, Fun in Shijingshan' Public Cycling Event Held at Shougang Park


On the evening of July 19, the "Cycling in Beijing, Fun in Shijingshan" Public Cycling Event was held at Shougang Park, hosted by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and Shijingshan District People's Government of Beijing Municipality. Nearly 300 cycling enthusiasts, travel agents, practitioners of the tourism industry, representatives of the public, and media reporters from all over the city participated in the event.

At the launch ceremony, the representative of Shijingshan Culture and Tourism Bureau introduced the highlights of the cycling route designed in the western part of Beijing. Following safety riding coaching by professionals, participants embarked on a group ride along the five-kilometre-long route in Shougang Park. The well-designed cycling route passed through Chang'An Mills, the No. 1 Blast Furnace, the No. 3 Blast Furnace, the material silo, Yuansu Motorbike Town, Chagang'er Cycling Station, the Shangri-La Shougang Park, Beijing and other landmarks, as well as special stamp collection points for cyclists to collect the stamps specially designed for this event before returning to the starting point. The race was also a tour combining sightseeing, fitness, cultural charm, and collection of stamps. Through this event, everyone witnessed the magnificent transformation of Shougang Park from a traditional industrial park to a modern cultural and creative hub.


The route of the event has been released on Amap. Users of this App can view and navigate through the route by searching for "Cycling in Beijing" (骑游北京) on the homepage. Also, by tapping "Start Riding" (开始骑行), users can also depart from the starting line by bikes, record their results after returning to the starting line, and, if possible, make way to the ranking offered by the App. More interesting cycling routes in the western part of Beijing can be browsed on the homepage of Amap by tapping "Amap Sports" (高德运动), "Explore Route" (探索路线) and then "Cycling Routes" (骑行路线).
