What is 12345 hotline?

All sub-districts, communities, functional departments, and public service enterprises are connected through this phone number to easily help you!

Services for Individuals

consultation for transportation, residence, living, medical services, employment needs, etc.

Services for Enterprises

consultation for registration and changing enterprises, application for social insurance registration, etc.

Dial 12345 hotline
According to your needs, press 1 to select personal services, press 2 to select corporate services
Get answered by the authority in charge of citizen hotline services

No answer can be given promptly

Answer can be given by the operator

The case is sent to another authority in charge
Receive reply
The status of the processing of the cases and satisfaction level of inquirer will be checked in a follow-up
Receive reply
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Languages Available:

The services are available in eight languages including English, Korean, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic.