Up to CNY 1 Million in Rewards! Beijing Supports International Professional Exhibitions


The exhibition industry of Beijing is marching towards branding, professionalism, and internationalization. Recently, the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau released a notice on the incentives for projects that promote the development of the city's exhibition industry in 2024. The notice clarifies the support policies for exhibition projects, stating that the international professional exhibitions and new high-quality exhibitions held and those to be held in Beijing this year are eligible for rewards of up to CNY 1 million.

As Beijing aims to establish itself as an international consumption center, it has attracted numerous professional exhibitions worldwide. To support the introduction of large-scale, internationally influential professional exhibitions, the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau will offer up to CNY 1 million for exhibitions with a total exhibition area of at least 10,000 sqm, where at least 20 percent of the space is rented by overseas exhibitors (including those from China's Taiwan region, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR, and foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures).

New high-quality exhibitions held and those to be held in Beijing will receive support as well. The Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau will offer CNY 500,000 as an incentive for exhibitions with a total exhibition area of 10,000 sqm or more. Meanwhile, an extra CNY 300,000 will be granted for each additional 10,000 sqm. The total amount of an incentive will not exceed CNY 1 million.

Beijing will continue to support the expansion and building-up of the influence of high-quality exhibitions. Any exhibition held or to be held in the city in 2024 with an exhibition area between 10,000 and 30,000 sqm that exceeds the size of the previous session will receive financial support. Specifically, an exhibition with an exhibition area of at least 10,000 sqm will receive CNY 200,000 for every additional 5,000 sqm compared with the previous session, capping at CNY 800,000; an exhibition will receive CNY 300,000 for every additional 5,000 sqm compared with the previous session that had an exhibition area of at least 20,000 sqm, capping at CNY 600,000.

The notice also stipulates that the eligible applicants only include the hosting entities and actual organizing entities. The applications are to be submitted in two batches: The applications for the exhibitions concluded and to be concluded between January 1 and August 1 shall be submitted before August 10, while the applications for those to be concluded between August 1 and December 31 need to be submitted by January 10, 2025. All the application materials shall be delivered to Room 408, Building 5, 57 Yunhe East Street, Tongzhou District.

(Source: Beijing Daily)
