H1N1 Flu: Do not Panic! Prepare Yourself For It


According to a recent notice from Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Beijing is currently in a peak season of influenza, with the virus mainly being A subtype H1N1.

What should I do if someone in your home has H1N1 flu?

It is recommended that the patient rest at home. In addition, the patient should stay in a single room, keep the room well ventilated, and reduce the chance of contact with co-residents.

The patient should maintain proper respiratory hygiene habits, and pay attention to his/her personal hygiene. When coughing or sneezing, the patient should cover his/her mouth and nose with tissues or towels.

The close monitoring of the patient's and his/her family members' health conditions is advised. The patient or any other family member should get medical help right away when having a persistent high fever, along with severe coughing, dyspnea, altered consciousness, severe vomiting and diarrhea.

It is highly recommended to assign a fixed family member who is not at high risk for influenza to take care of the patient. Wear a mask when in close contact with the patient.

Two ways to prevent H1N1 influenza

1. Vaccination

The best way against influenza is vaccination, which can lower a vaccine recipient's risk of developing major complications. The World Health Organization proposes annual vaccination and alters the vaccine composition annually based on data from global influenza monitoring because influenza viruses are prone to mutation.

2. Protective measures in daily life

Maintaining good hygiene habits such as hand hygiene and cough etiquette is necessary.

It is also advised to avoid social gatherings and contacts with people with respiratory symptoms during the influenza season.

It is necessary to clean and ventilate the residence regularly and clean and disinfect key areas such as door handles and handrails regularly.

To prevent cross-infection, the patient and any accompanying individual should wear masks when the patient needs to go to a public place or receive treatment at a hospital.

In particular, the elderly should avoid visiting poorly ventilated public places unless absolutely necessary and develop a habit of wearing masks when going out.

(Source: Beijing Daily)
