To all committees, offices, bureaus, sub-district offices and relevant parties of the district government:

Following deliberation and approval during the 102nd Executive Meeting of the Xicheng District People's Government, the latest Measures of Beijing Xicheng District People's Government for Promotion of Publishing Creative Industry Park Development (Revised) have hereby been issued to you, for strict compliance.

Beijing Xicheng District People's Government

December 30, 2019

(This document has been released to the public.)

Measures of Beijing Xicheng District People's Government for Promotion of Publishing Creative Industry Park Development (Revised)

Article 1 These Measures have been formulated in order to boost China's Creative Industry Publishing Parks, which take original content as its core, industrial promotion as its purpose and high-technology as its driver, in accordance with the Cooperation Agreement between Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press and Publication and Xicheng District People's Government on Joint Construction of the Beijing (China) Publishing Creative Industry Park, together with other relevant policies.

Article 2 These Measures are applicable to enterprises registered and paying taxes in this jurisdiction, which operating in the Beijing (China) Publishing Creative Industry Park (hereinafter referred to as the "Publishing Park"), and have received the joint approval of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the Xicheng Park Management Committee of Zhongguancun Science Park (hereinafter referred to as the "Xicheng Park Management Committee").

Article 3 Eligible enterprises are encouraged to run business in the core area of the Publishing Park (Desheng International Center), and will be granted rent subsidies at a rate of RMB 3/m2/day.

Article 4 A copyright service platform for the Publishing Park shall be established, and copyrights registered through said platform shall be granted special subsidies after their processing, production, promotion, trading, and publishing have been completed:

(I) When an enterprise (which must be the primary corporate copyright owner) completes over 20 copyright registrations in a year, of which at least 60% have been published, said enterprise shall be granted a lump sum of RMB 20,000 as a capital subsidy. Every 30 additional registrations shall be qualified for a further RMB 20,000, but aggregate annual subsidies shall not exceed RMB 100,000;

(II) Where any film and television, animation, game or other associated product is derived through in-depth development of a registered copyright, direct investment, planning and production, provision of technology or platform support, RMB 50,000 shall be awarded in subsidy for each distributed film or television product, or for the value of annual sales exceeding RMB 5 million, with the annual aggregate subsidy not exceeding RMB 500,000 per enterprise;

(III) Digital publishing and reader app enterprises, which have established their own network technology platforms, obtained Internet publishing license qualification, exceeded 5 million installed users and over 1 million annual active users, may be entitled to the subsidy of RMB 100,000 if they have signed copyright license agreements with over 100 magazines or websites or with at least 1,000 individuals in a year, with the total value licensed exceeding RMB 500,000. However, the aggregate annual subsidy shall not exceed RMB 500,000.

Article 5 Enterprises in the Park shall be encouraged to participate in the development of technical standards. Enterprises leading or participating in the formulation of international standards, national standards and industry standards for technology, products, or processes and services, and listed among the top five drafters, shall be awarded lump-sum subsidies of RMB 500,000, RMB 200,000 or RMB 100,000, respectively, after the publication of these standards.

Article 6 A rebate of 50% is provided for the interest paid on loans obtained by any enterprise through Zhongguancun Xicheng Park's investment and financing service platform; this total annual rebate shall not exceed RMB 800,000 per enterprise.

Article 7 If an enterprise is awarded national level special funds for culture and publishing (including special funds for national cultural industry development, national cultural innovation projects, national cultural science and technology promotion projects, or from the "Original Power" China Original Animation Publishing Support Plan, the Chinese Nationality Original Online Game Publishing Program or the National Publication Foundation) or municipal press and publishing special funds, funds shall be awarded to the enterprise in a ratio of 1:0.5 based on the rewarded fund capital. The annual aggregate amount of these supporting funds shall not exceed RMB 1 million per enterprise.

Article 8 A lump-sum award shall be made to any enterprise whose planned, published, or distributed product has won one of the following awards during the year:

(I) An enterprise winning the "Five Ones" Project Award of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee or World's Most Beautiful Book prize, shall be awarded RMB 500,000;

(II) An enterprise winning the Chinese Government Award for Publishing, the "China Excellent Publishing" prize, "Three 100" Original Book Publishing Project Award or the Mao Dun Literature Prize, shall be granted RMB 300,000;

(III) An enterprise winning one of the following annual prizes: the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television's "50 Popular Books", National Library Award, incorporation into the Double Hundred Publishing Project for the Construction of Socialist System of Core Values, the Government Awards for Chinese Culture and Art – Animation Award, the Bing Xin Children's Literature Prize, National Excellent Popular Science Books, the "Best Animation Publishing" prize of the National Excellent Project Animation Awards, recognition as one of the year's "Top 100 Science Popularization Books", or another newly-established national press or publishing award (excluding individual awards and academic awards in non-circulation areas) recognized jointly by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television and the Xicheng Park Management Committee, shall be awarded RMB 100,000.

Should the same product have been awarded multiple prizes in one year, the award shall be based on the highest prize; the aggregate annual award made to any single enterprise shall not exceed RMB 800,000.

Article 9 For top-grade publications published under the Park's brand, the following awards shall be made:

(I) Where annual circulation of the first edition is confirmed to have exceeded 500,000 books, RMB 300,000 shall be awarded to the planning enterprise; where it exceeded 300,000 books, RMB 150,000 shall be awarded to the planning enterprise; where it exceeded 200,000 books, RMB 100,000 shall be awarded to the planning enterprise; where it exceeded 100,000 books, RMB 50,000 shall be awarded to the planning enterprise;

(II) The planning enterprise winning Beijing Publishing Creative Industry Park's annual special prize for excellent books shall receive a lump-sum award of RMB 50,000; the planning enterprise winning Beijing Publishing Creative Industry Park's annual prize for excellence in excellent books shall receive a lump-sum award of RMB 30,000; RMB 10,000 shall be awarded to the planning enterprises recognized as the best market performers in various categories.

Article 10 Digital publishing and new media enterprises shall be encouraged to promote the application of new technologies, and financial support awarded to those meeting the following conditions:

(I) RMB 300,000 shall be awarded to enterprises which have developed their own platform to promote networked creation, reading, publishing and distribution, with annual visits exceeding 100 million (or over 10,000 e-publications distributed annually), and making R&D investments accounting for over 5% of their total revenues during the year;

(II) If annual page views by product users or for products exceed 1 billion, the number of registered users exceeds 5 million, and enterprise total annual revenues exceed RMB 20 million, the enterprise shall receive an award of RMB 150,000;

(III) RMB 80,000 shall be awarded for successful efforts to promote development and dissemination of content, where the total number of annual product downloads exceeds 100 million, and enterprise total annual revenue exceeds RMB 10 million.

An enterprise shall only be entitled to one of the above-listed awards in a year, whichever is preferable.

Article 11 Enterprises are encouraged to strengthen international exchange and cooperation and conduct international business: a lump-sum award of RMB 50,000 shall be given any enterprise establishing a new R&D or sales branch overseas; any enterprise participating in overseas professional exhibitions or international professional conferences shall be granted subsidies equal to 30% of actual booth costs, public exhibition expenses, conference registration costs, conference venue rent and publicity material printing costs, up to an annual maximum not exceeding RMB 100,000; any enterprise with annual overseas sales revenue exceeding RMB 10 million, and annual growth rate exceeding 10%, shall be granted an annual subsidy equal to 2% of overseas sales. The aggregate amount of annual subsidies for any enterprise shall not exceed RMB 500,000.

Article 12 For agency service costs relating to credit, finance, certification, auditing, copyright and intellectual property rights incurred by any enterprise during a year, a subsidy shall be granted equal to 20% of the actual amount of these costs; the aggregate amount granted in one year shall not exceed RMB 80,000.

Article 13 RMB 200,000, RMB 100,000 and RMB 30,000 shall be granted to Publishing Park enterprises whose excellent editors achieve recognition as a National Famous Cultural Master "Four One-Batches Talents", a Beijing Publicity and Culture System "Four One-Batches Talents" or one of Beijing Publishing's "One Hundred Talents", respectively.

Article 14 If the above policy provisions are the same in nature as others applying in Xicheng District, only one may be applied, at the discretion of the enterprise, which cannot enjoy several.

Article 15 These Measures shall be interpreted and implemented by Xicheng Park Management Committee.

Article 16 The Measures shall come into effect on February 1, 2020 and shall maintain valid until October 31, 2021. Measures of Beijing Xicheng District People's Government for promotion of Publishing Creative Industry Park Development (XZF [2016] No. 18) shall be withdrawn accordingly.