All commissions, offices and bureaus under the Fengtai District People’s Government, all organizations affiliated to Fengtai District, all sub-district offices and township governments.

The Administrative Measures of Fengtai District on the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development (Revised Version), which was deliberated and adopted at the 79th executive meeting of the Fengtai District People’s Government on September 20, 2019, is hereby issued for implementation as of October 1, 2019.

Appendix: Administrative Measures of Fengtai District on the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development (Revised Version)

Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission of Beijing Municipality

September 30, 2019


Administrative Measures of Fengtai District on the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development

(Revised Version)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The Measures is hereby formulated by revising the original Administrative Measures of Fengtai District on the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development (Feng Fa Gai [2013] No.82) in accordance with the Measures of Beijing Municipality on Implementing the Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China and in combination with actual conditions of Fengtai District in order to enhance the green development level of Fengtai District in an all-round way, further consolidate energy conservation and consumption reduction management and promote the reduction essentially. 

Article 2 For the purpose of the Measures, the special fund for energy-saving development refers to the fund allocated from the finance at the district level, specially used for supporting energy conservation and consumption reduction and primarily supporting the energy conservation in management, technologies and behaviors. 

Article 3 The special fund for energy-saving development is in the charge of the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission. It shall strictly observe relevant state laws, regulations, rules and financial systems about the arrangements for and use of the fund, follow basic standards of openness, fairness and justice, persist in principles of reasonable arrangements, scientific demonstration, guidance for preferred projects, lay emphasis on actual effects, normative operation and use for special purposes, supervise and inspect the use of funds. 

Article 4 The declaration, examination and approval of the special fund for energy-saving development shall be administered by such means as of independent declaration, department review, expert evaluation, government examination and approval, centralized payment and performance assessment. 

Chapter II Fund Support Scope

Article 5 Parties meeting the following conditions may apply for supports of the special fund pursuant to the Measures: 

(I) party and government organs and public institutions under the jurisdiction of Fengtai District; 

(II) enterprises getting through industrial and commercial formalities and taxation registration under the jurisdiction of Fengtai District, implementing energy-saving reconstruction projects, operating honestly, paying taxes according to laws, conducting management normatively and having complete energy statistical data;

(III) declared projects are implemented under the jurisdiction of Fengtai District. 

Article 6 The support scope of the special fund for energy-saving development shall cover: 

(I) energy-saving demonstration projects;

(II) energy-saving reconstruction projects and contractual energy management projects; 

(III) development and utilization projects of new energy and renewable energy (e.g. shallow layer geothermal energy, middle and deep layer geothermal energy, renewable water source heat pump and residual heat pump projects, and distributed photovoltaic power generation projects); 

(IV) rewards for excellent projects upon the district assessment of energy conservation objectives; 

(V) entities winning the title of municipal energy efficiency leader; 

(VI) energy audit and clean production review projects; and 

(VII) other energy-saving projects needing to be backed. 

Article 7 Fees of services publicly purchased by the government for energy conservation related work shall be appropriated from the special fund for energy-saving development. 

Chapter III Fund Support Methods and Standards

Article 8 The support methods of the special fund for energy-saving development are classified into financial subsidy and direct rewards. 

Article 9 Financial subsidy standards: 

(I) Energy-saving demonstration projects shall be subsidized by 30% of the total investment thereof. The annual energy-saving amount of the aforesaid projects shall exceed 300 tons of standard coal. In principle, their energy saving rate shall not be lower than 10%, and investment recovery period shall not exceed five years. 

(II) Energy-saving technology reconstruction projects and contractual energy management projects shall be rewarded as per their energy saving effects. Entities with the annual energy-saving amount not less than 50 tons of standard coal can apply for the special fund. Rewards will be calculated as per RMB800/ton of standard coal for non-industrial entities and RMB600/ton of standard coal for industrial ones. 

(III) Regarding new energy and renewable energy utilization projects (e.g. shallow layer geothermal energy, middle and deep layer geothermal energy, renewable water source heat pump and residual heat pump projects) which have been granted with municipal subsidy funds, district supporting rewards shall be granted as per 50% of the aforesaid municipal subsidy funds; regarding those which have not been granted with municipal subsidy funds, subsidies equivalent to 30% of total investment shall be granted. After distributed photovoltaic power generation projects get access to the Beijing New Energy and Renewable Energy On-line Monitoring System, they will be granted with subsidies calculated by RMB800/kw multiplied by installed grid-connected capacity by lump sum. 

Article 10 Direct reward standards: 

(I) Project entities carrying out energy-saving work arrangements of Beijing Municipality and willing to conduct energy audit and clean production review shall be rewarded as per times of its passing municipal department appraisal, examination and acceptance. The reward standard is RMB30,000 to RMB50,000. 

(II) Concerning energy-using entities excellent upon the district evaluation and assessment of annual energy-saving objectives and responsibilities, primary ones with the annual comprehensive energy consumption exceeding 5,000 tons of standard coal shall be granted with an energy-saving reward of RMB80,000; non-primary ones with the annual comprehensive energy consumption of 2,000 to 5,000 tons of standard coal shall be granted with the energy-saving reward of RMB60,000. 

(III) Entities winning the title of municipal energy efficiency leader shall be granted with a reward of RMB50,000 by lump sum. 

Article 11 The maximum support amount for an applicant shall not exceed RMB2 million in one year. 

Chapter IV Fund Application, Examination, Approval and Appropriation Procedures

Article 12 The financial subsidy and direct rewards shall be voluntarily applied by relevant departments and energy-using entities. An applicant shall annually prepare application materials as per requirements specified under the Notice of Fengtai District on the Application for the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development, and submit them to the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission on time. 

Article 13 The Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission shall screen and organize the appraisal of solicited projects, and as per appraisal results, study and push forward support suggestions and submit them to the Fengtai District People's Government. Upon deliberation and adoption by the Fengtai District People’s Government, the Fengtai District Finance Bureau shall be responsible for implementation and provision of the fund. 

Article 14 After receiving the financial fund, a project entity shall conduct accounting treatment as per financial and accounting rules in a timely manner. 

Article 15 As for fees of services publicly purchased by the government for energy conservation related work, the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission shall determine corresponding application and appropriation procedures upon negotiation with the Fengtai District Finance Bureau, and afterwards, the later shall directly provide the fund. 

Article 16 Applications for the special fund shall be arranged as per support fields once a year. 

Article 17 The special fund for energy-saving development will not support projects or applicants falling into any of the following circumstances: 

(I) projects focusing on an increase in production capacity; 

(II) supporting energy-saving projects which should be constructed with main works synchronously; 

(III) projects utilizing the residual heat, residual energy or gas externally purchased or provided; 

(IV) projects with non-standard energy ledgers and the energy-saving amount unable to be calculated; 

(V) applicants not submitting a self-inspection report during the district assessment of energy conservation objectives or sub-standard upon evaluation in the current year; or

(VI) applicants violating any state law or regulations, or involving any work safety accident, pollution accident, tax or energy arrears, etc. 

Chapter V Fund Supervision and Administration

Article 18 The Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission shall administer the implementation and use conditions of the special fund, and establish a tracing mechanism for the fund use performance of projects; the Fengtai District Finance Bureau shall examine the fund use of projects; and, the Fengtai District Audit Bureau shall supervise and examine the implementation and use conditions of the special fund. 

Article 19 After receiving the financial appropriation, a project entity shall ensure the use for special purpose. No entity or individual shall withhold or misappropriate the special fund. During the project construction, a project entity shall submit project implementation and fund use conditions to the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission and the Fengtai District Finance Bureau respectively semi-annually; after the completion of the project, it shall submit project completion report and financial settlement report to them respectively. 

Article 20 Where any entity provides false materials to swindle the financial fund or fails to use the special fund as per provisions, the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission, together with the Fengtai District Finance Bureau, will take back the financial fund already appropriated, and the relevant department will punish the entity pursuant to the Regulations on the Penalties and Sanctions against Illegal Financial Conducts and other laws and regulations. 

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 21 The Measures shall be interpreted by the Fengtai District Development and Reform Commission.

Article 22 The Measures shall come into force as of October 1, 2020. The original Administrative Measures of Fengtai District on the Special Fund for Energy-saving Development (Feng Fa Gai [2013] No.82) shall be abolished simultaneously.