Sub-district offices, township people’s governments, committees, offices and bureaus of the District Government, and institutions subordinate to the District,

With the consent of the District Government, the Supportive Measures for Promoting the Development of Crowd-making Spaces and Incubators for Scientific and Technological Enterprises in Fengtai District (Trial) is hereby issued to you for careful implementation.

Office of the Fengtai District People’s Government of Beijing Municipality

June 12, 2016 

Supportive Measures for Promoting the Development of Crowd-making Spaces and Incubators for Scientific and Technological Enterprises in Fengtai District (Trial)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

1. The Measures is formulated in accordance with the spirit of the Guiding Opinions on Developing Crowd-making Spaces and Promoting Mass Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Guo Ban Fa [2015] No.9), the Opinions on Several Policy Measures for Vigorously Promoting Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Guo Fa [ 2015] No.32), the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Crowd-making Spaces to Serve the Transformation and Upgrade of Real Economy (Guo Ban Fa [2016] No.7), the Guidelines for the Development of Crowd-making Spaces (Guo Ke Fa Huo [2015] No.297), the Implementing Opinions on Vigorously Promoting Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Jing Zheng Fa [2015] No.49), and the Implementing Opinions on Vigorously Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Feng Zheng Fa [2015] No.15), to accelerate the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategies, accelerate the development of innovative service carriers such as incubators for scientific and technological enterprises and crowd-making spaces, optimize and perfect the service formats and operation mechanisms of existing innovative service institutions, give play to the agglomeration effect of innovative service institutions, create a good regional innovation and entrepreneurship ecological environment, and create a new engine for the economic and social development of Fengtai District.

2. The Measures shall apply to the scientific and technological innovative service institutions such as incubators for scientific and technological enterprises and crowd-making spaces which are registered with business and tax registration authorities in Fengtai District, conform to the industrial development direction of Fengtai District, and are constructed by investors and meet the relevant standards and are approved by the Fengtai District Commission of Science and Technology.

3. The “Special Fund for Scientific and Technological Innovation Incubation in Fengtai District” shall be established. An annual total of RMB30 million, including the annual supporting fund of the Administrative Committee of Fengtai Park of Zhongguancun Science Park for scientific and technological innovation service institutions, will be coordinated. Subsidies and incentives are granted once in the first and second halves of the year respectively.

4. The support for crowd-making spaces and incubators for scientific and technological enterprises from the “Special Fund for Scientific and Technological Innovation Incubation in Fengtai District” shall be mainly used to provide scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship services, and not be used for the payment of expenses irrelevant to scientific and technological innovation incubation such as wages of the personnel, the purchase of internal office supplies.

Chapter 2 Supportive Measures for Crowd-marking Spaces

5. Investors are supported and encouraged to build low-cost, convenient, all-element, and open crowd-making spaces in Fengtai District. A one-off post-subsidy equivalent to 10% of the actual investment incurred during the construction year shall be given, to the extent that the maximum subsidy for each crowd-making space shall not exceed RMB1 million. The subsidy is used for enhancing the brand of the crowd-making space; investing in and acquiring shares of enterprises and teams in the space; carrying out input in scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship activities; discounted interest on loans, etc.

6. Crowd-making spaces are supported in providing rental reduction or concession for overseas talents, scientific and technological personnel in universities, scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship talents and teams. If rental or station cost reduction or concession is provided for such personnel, an annual subsidy for rental reduction or concession of RMB2 per square meter per day shall be given, to the extent that the subsidized area of each crowd-making space shall not exceed 500 square meters.

7. The crowd-making spaces are encouraged to provide free broadband access for innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises, and shall be given a post-subsidy equivalent to 50% of the informationized broadband access fee actually paid each year. The maximum subsidy for each crowd-making space shall not exceed RMB100,000.

8. Branding and international innovation and entrepreneurship exchange activities are supported. For influential innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, project road shows, financing promotion, entrepreneurial salons, and other professional exchange activities which are held by crowd-making spaces, according to the number of participating enterprises, influences of the activities, and the actual effects, a subsidy up to 30% of costs of the activities shall be given, to the extent that the maximum amount of subsidy for each institution shall be RMB200,000. An organizer can only enjoy a subsidy once a year.

9. Crowd-making spaces are encouraged to combine the scientific research institutes and leading backbone enterprises, and introduce scientific and technological innovation teams and talents in advantageous and professional fields. The crowd-making space which has established enterprises and had at least 5 enterprises settling in Fengtai District shall be given a reward of up to RMB300,000 according to the qualifications of the settling enterprises and their driving effects on regional industries and economy.

10. Crowd-making spaces are encouraged to provide comprehensive financial services for scientific and technological innovation projects in the spaces in combination with banks, financial institutions, angel investments, and innovation and entrepreneurship investments. If the effect of a multi-level capital market is brought into play, a crowd-making space shall be given a reward of up to RMB300,000.

Chapter 3 Supportive Measures for Incubators for Scientific and Technological Enterprises

11. Incubators are encouraged to build innovation and entrepreneurship service platforms for incubated enterprises. Incubators are supported to build the platforms for professional incubation services, pilot scale experiment, detection, and technological promotion for incubated enterprises, and cooperate with scientific research institutions and well-known enterprises to jointly build laboratories and technology research and development centers. If an incubator is newly built, it shall be given a post-subsidy equivalent to 10% of the construction costs actually incurred during the construction year; if an incubator is already existing, it shall be given a post-subsidy equivalent to 30% of the renovation and maintenance expenses actually incurred during the year. The maximum subsidy for each incubator shall not exceed RMB500,000.

12. To encourage an incubator to provide value-added services such as management consulting, market expansion, intellectual property rights protection, administration, accounting, taxation, and legal support for incubated enterprises, each incubator shall be given a post-subsidy not exceeding 30% of annual funds for value-added services. The subsidy for each incubator shall not exceed RMB300,000.

13. Incubators are supported to provide proper output and settlement transformation services for graduating enterprises. An incubator with over 20 incubated enterprises and the annual graduation rate of over 20% shall be given a subsidy of up to RMB300,000.

Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions

14. The management fee of RMB900,000 is set for the “Special Fund for Scientific and Technological Innovation Incubation in Fengtai District”, which is used to entrust a social third-party professional organization to assess and supervise the subsidies and rewards.

15. The Measures shall be interpreted by the Fengtai District Commission of Science and Technology.

16. The Measures shall come into force 30 days after the date of issuance.