All relevant units,

The Reward Measures of Fengtai District for Promoting Intermediaries to Attract Investment (Trial), approved at the thematic meeting of the district government upon discussion, are hereby issued by the Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District, Beijing for careful implementation in light of realities.

Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District, Beijing

October 10, 2019

(This document is publicly available.)

Reward Measures of Fengtai District for Promoting Intermediaries to Attract Investment

Article 1 This Measures are hereby formulated in accordance with the realities in Fengtai District to encourage intermediaries to actively participate in assisting Fengtai District with investment attraction efforts with focus on introducing major projects in line with the industrial positioning of Fengtai District.

Article 2 For the purpose of this Measures, "intermediaries" refer to the certified institutions or enterprises (excluding governmental departments and natural persons) with independent legal personality that directly introduce investors and participate in project negotiation so that the target projects are finally registered and taxed in Fengtai District, and play a crucial role in promoting project implementation.

Article 3 Reward standards

(I) An intermediary that introduces a project shall be financially rewarded (inclusive of tax) at some ratio to the regional comprehensive contribution made by the project for a whole fiscal year from the project registration date if the tax contribution of the project is no less than RMB 500,000. An intermediary that introduces an enterprise shall be given a one-off reward at 10% of the regional comprehensive contribution made by such enterprise if the regional comprehensive contribution is between RMB 500,000 (inclusive) and RMB 5 million (exclusive), or 15% of the regional comprehensive contribution if the regional comprehensive contribution is more than RMB 5 million (inclusive), with the total amount of the reward being no more than RMB 5 million.

(II) Where an intermediary introduces a Fortune Global 500 enterprise (including headquarters, and independent legal person companies or holding companies invested by it), a China Top 500 enterprise (headquarters), a unicorn company (headquarters), a licensed financial institution, a hidden-champion enterprise (headquarters), or a specialized, fined, peculiar and new"little giant", it shall be given a one-off reward at 15% of the regional comprehensive contribution made by the introduced enterprise for a whole fiscal year from the enterprise registration date, with the total amount of the reward being no more than RMB 5 million.

Article 4 Introduction filing

(I) Project information registration. At the beginning of the project liaison, the intermediary referrer shall file the project with and provide a certificate of referrer acknowledgement issued by the lead project investor to the Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District, under the principle that one intermediary is recognized for each project.

(II) Valid project determination. A valid project must satisfy all of the following requirements: The project shall be the introduction of a new independent legal person enterprise; registrations with the industry and commerce administrations and with tax authorities shall be made in Fengtai District; and the industry conforms to the functional positioning and industrial development planning of Fengtai District (except for real estate enterprises, and zone-owned state-owned enterprises).

Article 5 Reward implementation

Reward application shall be made once a year. An intermediary applying for a reward shall provide the related supporting evidence to the Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District within the specified time limit; after reviewed by the Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District, such evidence shall be presented to the reform and development commission and then to the district government for review before the financial bureau organizes the appropriation pursuant to the relevant provisions.

Article 6 Where an unapproved intermediary applies for a reward for the project introduced by it, it shall, first of all, submit the qualification materials to the Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District for preliminary review, which shall then be presented to the government of the district for approval.

Article 7 One project shall not be the basis of reward application by more than one intermediary. In case that the same project complies with several of the reward standards set forth herein, the intermediary shall only enjoy one corresponding reward, whichever is higher.

Article 8 The amount referred to herein is denominated in RMB, and taxes shall be paid by enterprises in accordance with the prevailing financial accounting system.

Article 9 Intermediaries enjoying the related reward policies set forth herein shall act in good faith. If they are found to have provided false materials or concealed related information or otherwise practiced fraud, the amount of rewards to them will be taken back in accordance with the law and they will be strictly held accountable.

Article 10 This Measures shall be revised accordingly in case of adjustments to national laws and regulations or policies of Beijing during the implementation.

Article 11 This Measures shall come into force as of the date of issue for a three-year trial implementation.

Article 12 The Investment Promotion Board of Fengtai District interprets this Measures.