This work plan has been formulated to further deepen reform and expand opening up in Dongcheng District by focusing on its functional positioning and endowment advantages and to advance the development of the "Two Zones" to a higher level.

I. Highlight External Integration, Deepening Industrial Cooperation and Opening

1. Promote the Opening up of the Cultural Sector.

Dongcheng District will focus on the development of the National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone and the national cultural export base, improve policies and measures, and promote the opening-up and development of the cultural sector.

Dongcheng District will also improve the service center function of the National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone and explore establishing a "white list" mechanism for cultural enterprises, encouraging financial institutions to step up support for cultural industries.

The 2023 China Cultural and Financial Summit will be held to accelerate investment in "Wenjing" Culture plus Industry Fund projects, building more influential cultural enterprises and brands.

Dongcheng District strives to build "National Demonstration Zones for the Integration and Development of Cultural and Tourism Industries" to enhance the internationalization of the two industries.

2. Optimize the Opening Up Layout of the Financial Sector.

Dongcheng District will give full play to the exemplary effect of leading foreign financial companies to attract internationally renowned financial institutions to settle in.

Dongcheng District needs to seize the opportunity for banks and securities firms to set up new derivative institutions and attract emerging financial industries to settle in Chang'an Avenue, Jinbao Street, and Dongzhimen areas.

The District will enhance the balance of international payments facilitation and promote the implementation of pilot projects related to the reform of the whole process of balance of international payments facilitation in the "Two Zones" development.

Dongcheng District will endeavor to achieve breakthroughs in the project issuance of real estate investment trusts (REITs).

Dongcheng District will promote the listing process of three companies.

Dongcheng District will also strengthen opening up and cooperation in scientific and technological innovation.

Dongcheng District needs to fully implement the action plan for opening up and developing scientific and technological innovation.

Dongcheng District will expand its reach and improve the effectiveness of breakthrough policies such as "filing equals approval" for high-tech enterprises.

Dongcheng District will actively integrate into the development of the benchmark cities for the global digital economy, strengthen the information service industry and foster emerging industries such as cloud computing, big data, and the metaverse.

Dongcheng District will make better use of the achievements in social credit system development.

4. Develop the Trade in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Services in an innovative way.

Dongcheng District will advance the development of the national export base for TCM services, upgrade the quality of the medical sector and vigorously promote TCM services to "go global".

Dongcheng District will deepen the building of the national pilot zone for comprehensive reform of TCM development, promote the local commercialization of scientific and technological achievements in TCM and provide opportunities for the scientific and technological achievements to be applied across medical institutions, scientific research institutes, TCM enterprises, and trade associations.

5. Explore the Expansion of Professional Services Opening Up.

Dongcheng District will focus on legal services such as arbitration, legal representation, notarization, and judicial appraisal and promote the gathering of high-end legal personnel from home and abroad to create a high-end commercial legal service zone.

By making good use of the policies on recognizing overseas professional qualifications and catalogue of human resources development, Dongcheng District will improve supporting services to further facilitate overseas professionals to work in Dongcheng.

II. Highlight Diversified Development and Gather the Opening-up Momentum in Parks

6. Promote Key Parks to Upgrade Their Functions.

Dongcheng District will initiate and implement the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Development and Construction of Longfu Temple Park (2023-2025)" to empower the Park in scenarios and with resources and management capabilities.

Wangfujing Street will take the lead in creating an international consumption environment and a high-quality business environment for building an international consumption area.

7. Focus on Concrete Implementation of Major Projects 

As for the Longfu Temple Park, Dongcheng District will push forward the comprehensive completion of the Longfu Temple East Courtyard and the South Block of the Longfu Temple and simultaneously promote the renovation and upgrading of public space projects in the area. The internal transformation of Changhong Cinema should be completed, while the Funfly Theatre should officially start its running.

In the Wangfujing Street area, Dongcheng District will focus on the renovation of the Beijing Mall and the Beijing Foreign Languages Bookstore.

8. Seize the Opportunity of Digitalization.

Dongcheng District will focus on three types of service ends, namely consumers, managers, and merchants, and improve the digital platforms of Longfu Temple.

In addition, Dongcheng District needs to build digital display spaces offline to create new cultural labels, such as "Future Media Art Experience Space" and "Trendy Must-visit Spot Blending History and Culture" for the Longfu Temple.

9. Accelerate agglomeration of core business formats.

In Longfu Temple Park, Dongcheng District will create a new highland for integrating and developing culture and technology. The District will also promote the introduction and cultivation of composite business formats, facilitate the integration of "theaters" into shopping malls, and explore new spaces for performing arts.

Wangfujing Street will further expand its cluster advantages of the first-store economy by continuously launching new products and debut activities and holding high-level activities to revitalize the consumption scenarios.

III. Highlight the Leading Role of Reform, Guide and Encourage Mechanism Innovation

10. Establish a Project-based Management Mechanism for Policy and Institutional Innovation.

Dongcheng District needs to apply target management for policy and institutional innovation to quantify key departmental tasks for innovation.

Dongcheng District will bolster the implementation of the policies for the development of the "Two Zones" and ensure the quantity and quality of policy and institutional innovation.

Dongcheng District will collect innovation cases and summarize reform experiences to form a number of cases of this kind with the distinctive features of Dongcheng.

Dongcheng District will then compare and learn from successful cases nationwide and citywide and enhance the transformation and application of these experiences locally.

11. Improve the Mechanism for Attracting Businesses and Investment.

Dongcheng District needs to strengthen the target management of investment attraction, effectively implement project incubation, reservation, and promotion, making every effort to improve projects in quantity and quality.

Dongcheng District needs to enhance promotion for investment attraction and seize the opportunities in the post-pandemic economic recovery period to intensify investment attraction through various methods, including promotion by intermediaries, promotion by enterprises, promotion among enterprises along industrial chains, promotion outside Beijing, and overseas promotion.

Dongcheng District needs to strengthen the supply of policy information, formulate incentive policies for investment promotion in "Two Zones", dynamically update the inventory of space resources, and carry out targeted investment attraction activities based on advantageous resources.

12. Improve the Publicity and Promotion Mechanism.

Dongcheng District needs to establish and improve publicity and interpretation mechanisms, using multimedia channels to promptly publicize the progress and highlights of the "Two Zones" development.

Dongcheng District will implement the "Close Partners" program and actively publicize and promote it to international business associations, multinationals, and leading companies in major fields.

Dongcheng District will hold a policy appeal meeting for enterprises, with a focus on the appeals for the opening-up and reform measures to improve the sense of participation of market entities.

13. Consolidate Evaluation and Supervision Mechanisms.

Dongcheng District will make efforts to promote the development by evaluating the "Two Zones" work progress, focusing on the implementation of tasks and projects, institutional innovation, and the commercialization of achievements.

All departments must closely integrate their daily work with the development of the "Two Zones" and jointly complete relevant assessments at the city and district levels by inspecting and assessing the task list for supervision and examination.

IV. Highlight Systematic Planning and Enhance the Efficiency of Element Support

14. Innovating the Service Model for Foreign Talents.

Dongcheng District needs to establish an internationally competitive mechanism for attracting and employing foreign talents.

The District will coordinate the efforts to allow foreign talents to apply for and receive both work and residence permits simultaneously.

Dongcheng District will improve the quality of international education and provide high-quality education services to children of foreign talents.

15. Promoting Higher-level Trade Facilitation.

Dongcheng District should promote the development of new business models and formats of international trade and strengthen trade promotion and innovation.

Dongcheng District will give play to the role of export credit insurance in supporting companies and products to go global.

The District will make good use of the Special Fund for Foreign Economic and Trade Development and the Service Trade Innovation and Development Guiding Fund to drive more social capital into new business forms of foreign trade, including cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses, and optimize the environment for international trade development.

16. Enhance the "Purple Gold Service" Brand.

Dongcheng District will adhere to the direction of market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized reforms and accelerate the development of a demonstration zone for business environment reform and innovation.

The District should pay special attention to upgrading the "Purple Gold Service" and improving the service mechanism for leading-edge enterprises and talents.

Dongcheng District needs to carry out the streamlining reforms of "Joint Application for Permits and Licenses" and "One Integrated License", provide more integrated services to "complete all procedures of one matter at one time", and accelerate the development of "digital government services".