23 Distinctive Industrial Parks in Zhongguancun Generate Annual Output Value of Over CNY 700 Billion


Zhongguancun, the first national high-tech zone and independent innovation demonstration zone in China, has formed a development pattern known as "One Zone with Multiple Parks" after various spatial adjustments. Zhongguancun has made significant progress in promoting the reform of its subsidiary parks in the past two years. The first batch of 23 distinctive industrial parks, covering 11 parks including Haidian Park, Changping Park, and Yizhuang Park, have been designated. These parks have achieved a combined annual output value of over CNY 700 billion.

To establish a new hub for the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, policies have been introduced to support the development and application of AI. In Haidian Park, a large-scale industrial cluster for AI models is being constructed, with an industrial layout extending to areas such as Yizhuang Park and Chaoyang Park. To accelerate innovation and development in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, Beijing has implemented over 20 supporting policies, resulting in an overall layout of "Research in the North and Production in the South" in Haidian Park, Changping Park, Daxing Park, and Yizhuang Park. Daxing Park is being supported to establish itself as the "China Pharmaceutical Valley," while Changping Park aims to become a concentrated area for the synthetic biology manufacturing industry in Zhongguancun. In order to advance the agglomeration of high-end manufacturing, new energy, and new materials industries, a commercial aerospace action plan has been launched to support the construction of Yizhuang Park and Haidian Park. Collaborative efforts are underway to promote the establishment of an autonomous driving demonstration zone in Yizhuang Park, and to create a general technology platform for humanoid robots. In addition, in collaboration with Yanqing District, a UAV action plan has been created to develop characteristic industrial parks. Changping Park has received support to establish an "Energy Valley," while Daxing Park focuses on accelerating the cultivation of the hydrogen energy industry, and Fangshan Park on constructing a new energy storage industry cluster. Support has also been provided to Shunyi Park for the continuous development of third-generation semiconductor materials and aerospace materials, and to Fangshan Park for the industrialization of OLED materials, graphene, and chemical new materials.

Source: Beijing Evening News
