I. To formulate the overall construction plan for urban rail transit projects and projects assigned by the municipal government (hereinafter referred to as "major projects"), and supervise and inspect the implementation of the plan.  

II. To coordinate with relevant departments and divisions to promote planning, land expropriation, demolition and other preliminary work of major projects; and to coordinate with relevant departments of the municipal government to speed up various administrative approval procedures in all stages of project construction as required by the overall plan. 

III. To coordinate and solve major problems in the construction of major projects; to coordinate and implement the requirement on unification of safety, quality, construction time, function and cost in project construction, i.e. unification at five aspects; and to provide services for the construction divisions and all participating entities. 

IV. To coordinate with competent departments of the municipal government to supervise the parties of major projects to implement the laws and regulations concerning safe production, project quality, fund use, bidding and procurement and contract execution; implement the requirements of "Sunshine Project" (on transparent projects); and to participate in the emergency handling of construction accidents of major projects.  

V. To participate in the formulation of annual fund use plans for major projects, and coordinate and implement the plans.

VI. To promote the application of new technologies, new materials, new equipment and new processes in the construction of major projects. 

VII. To coordinate the work of completion acceptance, completion settlement and final accounting of major projects. 

VIII. To be responsible for information collection, sorting, statistics and management in construction of major projects.  

IX. To implement major construction projects in Beijing entrusted by central departments. 

X. To undertake the specific work of Beijing Major Projects Construction Headquarters.  

XI. To perform other tasks assigned by the municipal government.  

XII. To study, formulate and implement the plans for shanty area renovation and environmental improvement in Beijing under the leadership of the leading group and headquarters of shanty areas renovation and environmental improvement in Beijing; to hold relevant work meetings and push forward the implementation of agreed subjects; to summarize, analyze and report relevant work progress; and to carry out the daily work of the leading group and the headquarters. 

XIII. To formulate and implement the overall plan for the construction of the Olympic venues and related supporting projects undertaken by Beijing for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games and the Paralympic Winter Games under the leadership of the Engineering project Headquarters of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games of Beijing; push forward the implementation of the agreed subjects of the headquarters; efforts to solve relevant problems in the engineering construction; and carry out the daily work of the headquarters.