On November 6, the Decision of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality on the 2022 Beijing Science and Technology Awards was announced.

The 2022 Beijing Science and Technology Award consists of six awards, namely Zhongguancun Award for Outstanding Contributions, Zhongguancun Award for Outstanding Youth, Zhongguancun Award for International Cooperation, Natural Science Award, Technological Invention Award, and Science and Technology Progress Award.

Wang Xiaoyun from Tsinghua University and Zhao Jinrong from Beijing NAURA Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. won the Zhongguancun Award for Outstanding Contributions. Yang Yuchao from Peking University, Gao Lining from Beijing Institute of Technology RACO Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd., and other seven young scientists won the Zhongguancun Award for Outstanding Youth.Álvaro Jiménez Cañete and other nine foreign scientists won the Zhongguancun Award for International Cooperation.

In terms of the projects, the achievement of "Research and Application of Key Technologies for Terminal Construction of Beijing Daxing International Airport" won the special prize of Science and Technology Progress Award.

(Source: Beijing Daily)