
Minzu University of China (MUC) is located in Haidian District of Beijing, a place that accommodates numerous institutions of higher education. It is adjacent to the National Library of China in the south and Zhongguancun Science Park in the north. The campus is elegant, quaint, secluded and charming, as well as has deep cultural richness and distinctive characteristics of different ethnic groups.

The MUC is one of the first eight universities in China that has obtained the qualification for enrolling foreign students, and has accumulated rich experience in the education of foreign students. It is also qualified to enroll foreign students under Chinese Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship and Beijing Government Scholarship. In 2013, the MUC was selected by the Ministry of Education as one of the first demonstration bases for studying in China.

At present, the MUC admits around 1,000 long-term and short-term international students from more than 40 countries every year, and its education of foreign students has formed a structure featuring multi-levels, multi-forms and multi-nationalities. In 2014, the number of foreign students studying in the MUC with a bachelor, master and doctoral diploma reached 254, accounting for 57% of its foreign students on campus.

Click here to visit the official website of Minzu University of China.