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In order to attract and cultivate top international talents, Tsinghua University has established a comprehensive scholarship system for full-time international graduate students, which consists of scholarships, assistantships, and awards.


Tsinghua University mainly offers two types of scholarships to prospective full-time international graduate students: Full Scholarship and Tuition Scholarship.

The Full Scholarships, e.g. Chinese Government Scholarship, usually cover tuition, stipend, on-campus accommodation  (or accommodation subsidy), and medical insurance. Annual Review is strictly required.

The Tuition Scholarships cover full or partial tuition fee support with a duration of one academic year. Applicants may apply for Tuition Scholarships annually (competitive).

In addition, some schools/departments provide school-level scholarships or awards for graduate students.

Applicants can consult target school/department for those scholarships.


Tsinghua University offers opportunities of Teaching Assistantship, Research Assistantship, and Management Assistantship for current graduate students. Usually, application for assistantships is open in the first two weeks of the semester.

Awards and Honors

Outstanding current graduate students can compete for awards and honors at Tsinghua University. The reward and honor system includes Top Grade Award, Jiang Nanxiang Award, 12 · 9 Award, Graduate Students All-Round Excellence Awards, Specialized Awards, school/department awards, and Outstanding Doctoral and Master's Graduates of Tsinghua University. Current graduate students may consult schools/department or Division of Graduate Student Affairs for information about awards.

Tuition Scholarship


Tuition Scholarship covers full or partial tuition with a duration of one academic year, and applicants can apply annually (competitive).


1. Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health.

2. Applicants must be pre-admitted by the target school/department of Tsinghua University.

3. Applicants are not offered with other scholarships, which include tuition waiver for graduate study at Tsinghua University.

4. Other restrictions according to the requirements of the scholarship founding authorities.

Application Procedure


Dos and Don'ts

1. Applicants may apply for Tuition Scholarship and CGS at the same time. However, CGS cannot be combined with Tuition Scholarship.

2. For prospective students, qualified applicants can apply for Tuition Scholarships through the Tsinghua Application System for Graduate Admission and do not need to fill out extra application forms.

3. Your answers to the scholarship questions on the System will serve as an  important basis for scholarship application. Once submitted, no modification shall be made at will. Please make sure you answer truthfully and accurately. Any misrepresentation will disqualify your application for scholarships.

4. Applicants may apply multiple scholarships (e.g. Chinese Government Scholarship, Tuition Scholarship,  Siemens China Scholarship) at the same time; however, some  scholarships  cannot be combined with other scholarships.

5. Don’t miss the deadline. Otherwise your application will not be accepted.