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2020-06-28  |  

What are these scholarships about?

Renmin University offers four different kinds of Scholarships, they are Academic Performance Award, Academic Progress Award, Social Activity Award and Outstanding Leadership Award. These Awards are for the people who have made a great performance or progress in academic studies and extracurricular activities. You can only apply for one of these awards and receive the one-time scholarship. 

The Academic Performance Award will be regarded to three people: The first Place is CNY ¥3,000, the Second is CNY ¥2,000 and the Third Place is CNY ¥1,000.

Academic Progress Award: CNY ¥1,000

Social Activity Award: CNY ¥1,000

Outstanding Leadership Award: CNY ¥2,000

Which major can apply for these scholarships?

All the Degree Students can apply for this Scholarship.

Who can apply for these scholarships?

Undergraduate students: in your first to third year of study 

Two-year Master degree students: in you first year of study

Three-year Master degree students: in you first to second year of study 

Ph.D. degree students: in you first year of study

You must be ranked in the top 20 in your school.

Students who received penalties due to visa expiration or have been penalized because of the visa, criminal wrongdoings, or broke university regulations, country laws are automatically disqualified for these scholarships.

When does the Application start?

In the beginning of April each year.

How to Apply?

Complete the Renmin University of China International Students Scholarship Application Form online at: in the designated time period. 

Get the recommendation from your school.

International Students Office will review the applications and release the list with the winners of each award.

What do I need for the Application?

Renmin University of China International Students Scholarships Application Form;

Transcript (with the official stamped);

Recommendation Letter from your school.

Who is in Charge for the Award?

The International Students Office.

Contact Person


Tel: 010-62512359
