As the New Year's Day holiday approaches, starting from December 16, passengers can purchase train tickets for the New Year's Day.
Please check the ticket booking calendar.
Sale Start Dates |
Saturday, December 16 |
Saturday, December 30 |
Sunday, December 17 |
Sunday, December 31 |
Monday, December 18 |
Monday, January 1 |
How to check sale start times?
Run the 12306 App (China Railway), click on "My" (我的) on the homepage, and find "Travel Guide" (出行向导) and then "Sale Start Times" (起售时间).
Enter the station and date you want to inquire about, and you will find the sale start times for the tickets of the trains from your departure station and other stations in the same city.
Note: Sale start times vary for different stations.
How to enhance the chance of successful ticket booking?
By submitting multiple standby orders with different combinations of dates, train numbers, and seat types, you will be more likely to succeed in booking a ticket.
How to view the station's big screen?
The "Station Big Screen" (车站大屏) module on the 12306 App allows you to check train information, ticket inspection gates, and punctuality status. Select the station and train you want to inquire about, and you will find all the information you need.
How to obtain reimbursement receipts?
If you need a reimbursement receipt for your ticket, you should acquire it at the ticket counter of the station or through a self-service ticket vending machine before the train departs or within 180 days from the date of departure, using the original valid ID document used to purchase the ticket. If you have changed your E-ticket, you can reprint the reimbursement receipt.
Note: Neither the "itinerary sheet" (行程信息提示) nor the reimbursement receipt can be used to board a train.
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(Source: China Railway)