General Administration Of Customs (Beijing) International Travel Health Care Center

Due to the intensified situation of international and domestic COVID-19 prevention and control, any individuals entering/returning to Beijing from areas/cities with COVID-19 case occurrence should accordingly undergo nucleic acid tests and a 14-day health monitoring. In addition, all above said individuals and individuals with past history of COVID-19 infection are required to present negative nucleic acid test result performed within 48 hours before being allowed to enter Beijing ITHCC.
In light of the Announcement of Travel Medical Examination Performance during Epidemic Control and Prevention by Health and Quarantine Department of General Administration of Customs, according to the requirements of Beijing's COVID-19 control and prevention policies, for the purpose of normalizing the prevention and control operation against COVID-19, conducting medical examination and vaccination in an orderly manner, and providing service convenience for our customers, General Administration of Customs (Beijing) International Travel Health Care Center (hereafter referred to as Beijing ITHCC) would require that you acknowledge the following points for attention:
1. Advance online appointment is mandatory for all business in Beijing ITHCC. By strict means, Beijing ITHCC requires all individuals entering Beijing from foreign countries/regions conform to the 14+7 Quarantine and Supervision Regulation and then endure another 7-day observation; all individuals from domestic provinces/areas with reported confirmed or asymptomatic COVID cases must complete their 21-day stay in Beijing before entering Beijing ITHCC. It is utmost crucial to prevent nosocomial infection and protect staffs and clients from potential health hazard.
2. Individuals would be deterred from entering Beijing ITHCC if they fail in making an advance appointment via Beijing ITHCC's official website or WeChat official account, or bear history of traveling or staying in domestic areas with newly reported confirmed or asymptomatic cases* within the past 21 days, or have not completed their 28-day observation after entering China from foreign countries/regions.
(*domestic areas with newly reported confirmed or asymptomatic cases: variable according to corresponding governmental announcements)
3. To protect public health and minimize gathering and risk of cross-infection, it is advised that the appointed clients come on their own rather than accompanied, while one companion each is recommended for senior or minor clients or individuals with language or mobility challenges.
4. All clients and visiting individuals should assure NOT having fever (≥37.3℃) or other respiratory symptoms such as coughing, or history of traveling or exposure relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic within the past three weeks; individuals bearing such conditions would be declined from service.
5. All arriving clients and visiting individuals should take personal protective measures (e.g. properly wearing mask throughout the visit), enter the building by the power of appointment documents, cooperate with the entrance checks of body temperature, course of travel history, and health QR code, actively and truthfully sign declaration for health conditions, and conform to the staffs’ instructions and arrangements. Deliberate omission or concealment or malicious infection spreading that leads to COVID-19 outbreak may result in legal accusation.
6. Please keep an interpersonal distance of NO less than one meter during examination, vaccination, and any other service processes; it is also advocated to use the stairs instead of elevators.
7. External vehicles are NOT allowed into the building's garage.
The responsibility of pandemic control and prevention falls on each and everyone of us. Beijing ITHCC appreciates your understanding and cooperation and wishes you safety and good health.

Due to recent operational adjustment of Beijing ITHCC(HePingli), as from 10 October 2020, medical examination services for inbound personnel (clients entering China) will be rearranged to 13:00-14:30 of the business days in lieu of the previous 08:00-10:30 schedule.
As pre-exam fasting is required for some of the tests, we would ask you to take an early and light breakfast on the examination day and then fast for six hours before the examinations. We apologize for the inconvenience and would appreciate your kind understanding.
General Administration of Customs (Beijing)
International Travel Health Care Center
(Beijing ITHCC)
31 October 2021