2023-04-11  |  

As the winter comes to an end, we welcome the arrival of spring. Here we have gathered some tips for how you can preserve your health in spring.
The arrival of spring brings warmer weather. We need to adjust according to it and gradually go from nourishing Yin to nourishing Yang. As for most areas of China, the temperature difference between day and night is large in spring. In the morning, your Yang Qi (vital energy) might not be strong enough, therefore, it is important to keep yourself warm. You should dress according to the weather and follow its changes.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, spring is closely related to the health of our livers. Therefore, you should focus on nourishing and protecting your liver by ensuring good habits, such as getting up and going to bed early. A key part of nourishing our livers is to remain positive and avoid extreme emotions, such as over-excitement. Going for short trips and hikes, or flying kites are all good activities to relax.
On the other hand, from the perspective of modern medicine, spring is a season when people are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, which could be the result of excessive salt intake. Besides, we should eat less sour foods, as these may go against generating Yang Qi and regulating Qi. We should have a moderate intake of pungent, sweet, and nourishing foods, such as coriander, chives, green onions, carrots, fermented soybeans, and peanuts, to help us perspire. But remember it is not good to have too much spicy food.
Spring is a good season for drinking tea, which is helpful for digestion, cleaning the stomach and intestines, and removing toxic materials. Scented teas, black tea, and oolong tea are all good choices.
As the temperature rises, various bacteria and viruses may awaken some diseases. We need to be well prepared for preventing diseases and protecting ourselves. First of all, to avoid diseases, pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental sanitation to eliminate infection sources. Second, open windows to ventilate and get fresh air. Third, do more exercise to enhance blood circulation and stay healthy, but make sure to avoid strenuous ones. Mild exercises such as taking short walks, or doing yoga or Tai Chi are suggested.
(Source: Gmw.cn)