Work Hours to Alter This Week & How to Get Back to Work Mode?

Spring Festival holiday draws to a close, how did you spend your holiday?

We would like to remind everyone that this Saturday (February 8) is also a working day, remember to go to the office on time. We also offer some tips for how to quickly return to work after a holiday.

Tips for Returning to Work after a Holiday

The first few days back at work after a holiday can be challenging. You may experience drowsiness, irritability, or even depression, which can adversely impact your work performance. But don't worry, we've got some tips that could help you get back to work mode more easily.

1. Adjust your schedule for the evening before work

Avoid vigorous recreational activities or sports between 19:00 and 20:00, and opt for more relaxing activities like reading or listening to music.

Limit your consumption of hard-to-digest foods (such as fried foods) and nerve-stimulating substances (such as coffee) in the evening.

Prepare for bedtime early. Make sure you have at least seven hours of sleep.

2. Start your work with a plan

Review any unfinished tasks from before the holiday, prioritize them along with any new tasks based on their importance, and set appropriate deadlines for their completion.

Alternatively, you may begin by handling smaller tasks and accomplishing them one by one, which can help you gain a sense of accomplishment and make it easier to get back to work.

3. Something to try after work

After finishing work for the day, try walking home (if your home is within a reasonable distance). Alternatively, take a stroll in a nearby park or green area to burn the extra calories you got during the holiday and relax.

Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Get ready for bed and go to sleep a little earlier than usual.
