Beijing E-Town Actively Encourages Non-Governmental Entities to Participate in Foreign Investment Attraction

The Beijing E-Town Global Partnership has recently introduced an enhanced 2.0 version. The Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area has formally released the Incentive Measures for Promoting Foreign Investment Attraction in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area (Incentive Measures). This framework will provide institutions and economic organizations that facilitate the introduction of foreign-funded projects or enterprises with rewards for their facilitation efforts and contributions, with a maximum reward of CNY 10 million.

The Incentive Measures particularly leverages financial backing to encourage non-governmental entities to engage in foreign investment promotion. The framework focuses on a range of institutions and economic organizations playing a vital role in fostering the introduction of foreign-funded projects or enterprises within the E-Town New Area. These institutions and economic organizations comprise domestic and foreign business associations, financial entities, law firms, accounting agencies, and other relevant entities (termed investment facilitators). The Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area outlines different incentives for introduction and contributions based on the scale of foreign-funded projects or enterprises introduced by these investment facilitators according to the Incentive Measures.

Regarding introduction rewards, an investment facilitator receives a one-off reward of CNY 300,000 for each Fortune Global 500 enterprise they introduce. A one-off reward of CNY 200,000 is granted for an investment facilitator for each enterprise they introduce from Forbes Global 2000 companies, top 500 hidden champions worldwide, world unicorns, and Hurun Largest Foreign Companies in China, as well as influential international organizations, foreign chambers of commerce, international arbitration institutions, accreditation agencies, and rating agencies, and other functional entities. A one-off reward of CNY 100,000 is granted for an investment facilitator upon the enterprise's expansion and listing in the National Bureau of Statistics Database or when the annual export volume reaches a minimum of USD 10 million for the first time during the validity period of the Incentive Measures. In cases where the total paid-in registered foreign capital of an enterprise introduced by an investment facilitator reaches USD 500,000 or above in the year of introduction or within the enterprise's first complete natural year in E-Town, a one-off reward of CNY 50,000 is granted to an investment facilitator for each enterprise it introduces.

Regarding contribution rewards, if the total paid-in registered foreign investment for an enterprise introduced by an investment facilitator reaches USD 1 million in the year of introduction or within the enterprise's first complete natural year in E-Town, the investment facilitator is eligible to apply for an incentive equal to 5‰ of the total paid-in registered foreign investment during that period. For the same project, an investment facilitator can apply for introduction and contribution rewards together, with a maximum reward of CNY 10 million allotted to the investment facilitator.

(Source: Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area)
