Number of Beijing's Time-Honored Brands Now Totals 259 with 13 Brands Newly Recognized

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On June 4, Beijing Time-Honored Brands Association held a ceremony to award the ninth batch of Beijing Time-Honored Brands, presenting plaques and certificates to the companies newly recognized as Beijing's time-honored brands. A total of 13 enterprises including Wangfujing Group, Ziguang Garden and Sichuan Restaurant were recognized this time, bringing the current total to 259.

The newly recognized brands are from a diverse array of business formats. Besides catering businesses like Ziguang Garden and Sichuan Restaurant, cultural and artistic entities such as Guoji Shudian (International Bookstore) and Beijing Performance Co., Ltd., commercial retail giants like Wangfujing Group, and industrial manufacturers including Beijing Huadun Xuehua Plastic Group Co., Ltd.

Meanwhile, the number of the China Time-Honored Brands in Beijing has also increased. In May of this year, Beijing awarded plaques to a new batch of the China Time-Honored Brand enterprises. With these new additions, Beijing now ranks second nationwide in terms of the total number of the China Time-Honored Brands, with a total figure of 137.

(Source: Beijing Daily)
