Four Languages Available! Beijing Subway Initiated Pilot Trial of Multilingual Translation Machines at Eight Stations

Beijing Xicheng District People's Government

As the weather warms up and seasonal flowers begin to bloom, both locals and tourists flock to popular scenic spots in Beijing, leading to a surge in passenger numbers on public transportation.

To better serve the travel needs of foreign tourists, Beijing Subway has launched special English training sessions for its station staff. Additionally, multilingual translation machines have been installed for a pilot trial at eight stations: Tian'anmenxi (Line 1/Batong Line), Dongzhimen (Line 2), Beijing Railway Station (Line 2), Nanluogu Xiang (Line 6), Olympic Park (Line 8), Xi'erqi (Line 13), Maquanying (Line 15), and Universal Resort (Line 1/Batong Line and Line 7). These machines support translations in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean, ensuring smooth communication for passengers.

As the weather gets warmer, Beijing Subway has taken steps to add to passenger comfort by improving temperature control in its carriages while ensuring proper ventilation. The temperatures inside the carriages are adjusted based on weather conditions to create a pleasant and comfortable environment for passengers.

Source: Beijing Daily App