2024-01-29  |  

With the year of the dragon approaching, Beijing will host its major Spring Festival temple fairs as scheduled. As traditional folk cultural events, various temple fairs are held all over China during the Spring Festival. In addition to the well-known Ditan (Altar of Earth) Temple Fair, Changdian Temple Fair, and Shijingshan Amusement Park Temple Fair, what other options are available in Beijing during the Spring Festival holiday?

Ditan Temple Fair


Ditan Temple Fair is a time-honored event in Beijing, known for its displays of Beijing's traditional culture, authentic folklore and traditional folk art. This temple fair features intangible cultural heritage demonstrations, traditional snacks, and interactive shows.

Changdian Temple Fair


Focusing on cultural activities, Changdian Temple Fair was among the first batch of the intangible heritage items included in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China. Reputed as one of the top four temple fairs in China, it features activities such as traditional huahui (a collection of recreational activities), performances of Peking Opera and other old-time plays, and bargain book fairs.

Shijingshan Amusement Park Temple Fair


Shijingshan Amusement Park Temple Fair is a "westernized temple fair" that blends Chinese and Western cultural elements. There are exotic float parades and European-style castles, as well as red lanterns, acrobatics and other traditional Beijing folk performances.

Badachu Spring Culture Temple Fair


Tourists can watch and experience 17 thematic activities such as the performances of the huahui of the New Year Blessing Dharma Assembly, the Opening of the Blessing Gate, etc., and immerse themselves in the traditional Beijing temple fair culture.

Longtan Temple Fair 


At Longtan Temple Fair, tourists can not only taste the fine cuisine of Beijing centuries past, and visit the intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, but also experience the charm of ice and snow sports.

Daguanyuan Temple Fair Themed "Dream of the Red Chamber" 


Among the temple fairs in Beijing, this is the only one focusing on "Dream of the Red Chamber", one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. "Yuanchun Coming Home" is a unique program of this annual temple fair, which is a grand performance that depicts the big scene of Jia Yuanchun's homecoming as portrayed in the original novel.

(Source: Beijing Daily)