In 2024, Shijingshan District plans to further implement the two major strategies of urban renewal and industrial transformation, and to coordinate efforts in the integration of cities and parks, industrial integration, blend of landscapes and culture, and collaboration of governance capabilities, with the aim to vigorously build new landmarks of urban revitalization for Beijing in the new era and and a well-developed "west gate" of the capital of China.
Spearheading its efforts with the new Shougang Park, Shijingshan District will facilitate the renovation and transformation of old factories, residential areas, bungalow areas and inefficient buildings. The district seeks to drive the revitalization of the "Eight Major Manufacturers in Western Beijing" and Shijingshan District as a whole. Moving forward, Shijingshan will start the renovation of the remaining old residential areas and expedite the transformation of shantytowns, to continuously improve residents' living conditions. Additionally, it will conduct a series of projects for constructing infrastructure that is capable of operating both under normal conditions and in emergencies, such as the flood storage area along the Shijingshan section of Yongding River, fully elevating its overall capacity. All aims to build a "district of revitalization". 
By making full use of the three icons of the district, namely Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), and the"new landmarks", Shijingshan will drive the development of a modern industrial system through sci-tech innovation, and accelerate the formation of an industrial structure of high-end, cutting-edge and sophisticated industries, which is characterized by the tiered development of pillar, distinctive and future-oriented industries. Measures will be taken to promote the integrated and coordinated development of key industry functional areas, high-end, cutting-edge and sophisticated industries, and integration of the "five key projects" (i.e. building Beijing into an international center for innovation; making progress in building the "Two Zones"; developing the digital economy; stimulating and creating new demand through supply-side structural reform; and making greater headway with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development through relocation of functions non-essential to the role of the capital). Shijingshan will continue to implement the Western Beijing Action Plan, successfully organize major events such as the CIFTIS and China Science Fiction Convention (CSFC), and build a better international open cooperation zone. The district will preemptively plan for the future-oriented industries, and promote the development of key industrial parks and projects, including the Science Fiction Industry Cluster Area, Beijing Banking and Insurance Business Park and CETC Intelligent Technology Park, Industrial Internet Industrial Park, Virtual Reality Industrial Park and General AI Large Model Industry Development Cluster. Through these efforts, the district aims to constantly strengthen its regional innovation capability, development vitality, economic strength and overall competitiveness, all in the pursuit of building a "district of vitality".
Shijingshan will also implement the development plan of protecting the Western Hill - Yongding River Cultural Belt, coordinate ecological conservation, cultural relic preservation and neighborhood improvement, and facilitate the development through the integration of distinctive resources such as natural landscapes, industrial relics and cultural creation. The district will host the Cultural Festival of Western Hill and Yongding River Beijing, as well as sideline events of Beijing Culture Forum at a high level, and create exemplary works in the construction of a national cultural center. Ongoing efforts will be made in the improvement of Moshikou Historical and Cultural Block, Beijing Winter Olympics Park and Badachu Park. On top of that, Shijingshan will improve the conditions of Shougang Industrial Relics Park, conduct preservation and restoration of the district's ancient building complex, and establish Shijingshan Academy. Also, the major greening projects of Xishan Greenway (Shijingshan Section) and other areas will be proceeded to build a "district of beauty" with gorgeous natural landscapes.
(Source: WeChat Official Account "Beijing Shijingshan")