
[Photo via Beijing Daily]

Beijing is making great progress in improving its transportation infrastructure, with a particular focus on the development of the city's sub-center. Two projects in this regard were highlighted during a recent review.

For the reconstruction of the city's East Sixth Ring Road, China's largest tunnel boring machine, the Yunhe, completed its final millimeter of advancement and reached the receiving shaft on Tuesday at 10 am.

This marks a milestone in the construction of the highway tunnel, which is set to become China's longest.

The reconstruction project spans about 16 kilometers and includes direct widening and underground sections.

The underground segment spans about 7.4 kilometers and is the country's largest and longest urban underground highway shield tunnel under construction.

Additionally, construction of the Beijing sub-center comprehensive transportation hub is underway. It is expected to become Asia's largest of its kind and help meet the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's transportation needs.